bamlab / fastlane-plugin-cordova

Integrate your Cordova build into your Fastlane setup

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support .aab production

bdirito opened this issue · comments

As of cordova-android 8.1 there is new support for producing Android Application Bundles (aab).

This was done as via apache/cordova-android#764

Documentation is ... minimal but the following does work

$ cordova build android --release -- --packageType=bundle
49 actionable tasks: 15 executed, 34 up-to-date
Built the following bundle(s): 

This plugin's type argument appears to be an ios only flag however.

You can add a build.json to your cordova project with the following content

	"android": {
		"release": {
			"packageType": "bundle"

@Almouro - Is there any plan on supporting this officially? Looks like CORDOVA_ANDROID_RELEASE_BUILD_PATH will always be assigned an .apk file extension, so some manual renaming will be needed in the interim.

+1 for official support and having the correct path in CORDOVA_ANDROID_RELEASE_BUILD_PATH