baloise / rocket-chat-rest-client

Java REST client API for Rocket.Chat

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool is down

JonCSgr opened this issue · comments

The website : is down . Can you check it ?

Idea for now : switch to (non anonymous read possible) GitHub package registry usage for snapshot and release publications.

@MarkusTiede I like switching to github package registry, but I'm not yet familiar with it. With 39d7dea I enabled a github build action for this repo (sorry for the pathetic commit message, got into some git trouble) which now builds in addition to the travis build.

I currently try to use the github package registry, and have published the 0.1.2 snapshot in my own fork via Could you try if you can use the library like this? If it works out, I'm gonna integrate the changes into the main repo!