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Fix explanation on `.` in the `REST service - Service and resource paths` BBE

praneesha opened this issue · comments


Need to fix the explanation below on . in the REST service - Service and resource paths BBE.

// The.represents the current resource that is/info.

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 15 40 14

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@TharmiganK any update on this?

@TharmiganK any update on this?

@anupama-pathirage I could not be able to work on this since I am working on some priority features with Update 9. Is it ok to fix this after the code freeze (4th April, 2024)?

@TharmiganK any update on this?

@anupama-pathirage I could not be able to work on this since I am working on some priority features with Update 9. Is it ok to fix this after the code freeze (4th April, 2024)?

Yes, lets get it fixed after code freeze.