ballercat / walt

:zap: Walt is a JavaScript-like syntax for WebAssembly text format :zap:

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no walt-cli on npm? how to install walt-cli?

jeromeetienne opened this issue · comments


walt-cli isnt available via npm. here is a link to to check


npm install walt-cli should find and install the package


npm install walt-cli results in a not found. npm ERR! 404 Not Found: walt-cli@latest

after discussing on twitter, @ballercat mentioned walt-cli wasnt ready enougth to be published at the moment.

@ballercat my personnal goal is simply to output a .wasm that i can load on my own.

All the webpack stuff doesn't match my need.

I would like to use walt to produce fast computer vision code. i do augmented reality libraries in the browser, so fast way to run in browser is good for me :)

Neat, I've been looking at AR in the browser and it seems like a great opportunity to utilize WebAssembly. I'll have to take a closer look at your projects!

Okay so back to your use-case. Yes the cli will be able to do this for you eventually, for now it's possible to use the JS API directly with the walt-compiler package. There is an example of this in #86 where the default compiler export takes a .walt source and spits out a buffer of a wasm program. You may write this to a file of your choosing.

The reason why the cli is not out is that it will include automated linking of .walt modules together, which ended up being a bit more complex than I first imagined. But even that is also possible today with the JS APIs of the walt-link package, seen here . It's used internally in the compiler itself to build some walt-only specs.

got it! so as i understand it, walt-cli should work but a single .walt, correct ?

i guess i will just install yours current version locally and modify it if needed.

i love the idea to be able to generate webassembly at the 'assembly' level. with a syntax/grammar way more friendly than S expressions. thanks for doing this work 👍 is the library im working on

An MVP of the cli was published as part of #116