balkalabs / mistercraft38droneapp

Android application for mistercraft's drone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This app has been developped for Mistercraft38's R6S drone project. It is meant to be used alongside a remote SCP Socket Server installed on drone.

/!\ Due to usage of cordova plugins, this app will not work on emulated browser! Only real device.

With the Ionic CLI:

$ sudo npm install -g ionic cordova
$ ionic cordova platform add android
$ sudo npm install

Then, to run it, run:

$ ionic cordova run android

Substitute android for ios if on a Mac.

Checkout Ionic for more informations.


Android application for mistercraft's drone


Language:TypeScript 55.6%Language:CSS 20.5%Language:HTML 19.2%Language:JavaScript 4.8%