balancer / balancer-core

Balancer on the EVM

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

publicExit use case

mikemcdonald opened this issue · comments

publicExit will always be true for bronze, but what are the scenarios for future releases where a pool should not be exit-able?

A fund manager usually has some control over when and how investors can cash out

We need to define all possible states of a pool (controlled and finalized) and bools (publicJoin and publicExit). Right now the code is confusing and makes assumptions that don't make sense.

For example -
requires the pool is finalized. Which makes a one way change of publicJoin and publicExit to true. And then it unnecessarily checks again isPublicJoin().

setPublicJoin can only be called on a controlled pool. But joinPool can only be called on a finalized pool. So an user can't join a controlled pool. In the current state, setPublicJoin has no use.

finalized locks the controller out of all controlled functions, controlled is just not-finalized.

You're right that with our current setup, setPublicJoin and setPublicExit have no function use, since we disallow join/exit on controlled pools.

You could allow join/exit on controlled pools, in which case users would need to understand finalized vs unfinalized pool-shares. If not, then yeah, we could remove setPublicJoin and setPublicExit.

I think allowing join / exit on controlled pools opens a mess of complexity that will lead to poor UX and users potentially getting screwed.

IMO for code cleanliness and readability it makes sense to remove isPublicJoin and isPublicExit. Everything can be contained in isFinalized

Potentially think about removing isPublicSwap as well. If a controlled pool doesn't allow swaps, then what's the point of using Balancer.

isPublicSwap could be named back to isPaused, the point is to change params / balances without exposing yourself in intermediate states

That's a good point. Eh I think isPublicSwap captures that idea fine.

I'll submit a pull to move all of the other logic into isFinalized unless there's any additional reasons