balajidharma / basic-laravel-admin-panel

A basic and simple admin panel for Laravel projects.

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Show/Hide menus in navbar depending on the user roles

Fzoltan87 opened this issue · comments

It would be important for the menu item to disappear or appear based on permission.
How could this be solved?

All menu items: Dashboard, Permissions, Roles, Users
The Super Administrator role can see all menu items (Dashboard, Permissions, Roles, Users)
The Admin role must see the Dashboard and Users menu items
The Writer role must see the Dashboard menu item

Currently the admin panel not supporting this feature. I will add it to the backlog and implement the menu display based on permissions.

Thank you very much. I look forward to the update. Can I invite you for a coffee?

hola buen dia,

me da el siguiente error:
"A admin menu not exists."

como podria resolverlo?


@juanjuan77 make sure to run the migration with the seeder.

./vendor/bin/sail artisan vendor:publish --provider="BalajiDharma\LaravelMenu\MenuServiceProvider"
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate --seed --seeder=AdminCoreSeeder

Please create a new issue if you still have the issue.

Added roles for menu item. Also, displayed menu based on roles


My sidebar menu doesn't appear


Go to admin panel on http://localhost/admin