bakkenbaeck / SweetSwift

Helpers and sugar for Swift

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Extend enums to have count

3lvis opened this issue · comments

extension RawRepresentable where RawValue: IntegerType {
    static var count: Int {
        var i: RawValue = 0
        while let _ = Self(rawValue: i) {
            i = i.successor()
        return Int(i.toIntMax())

"Hey, but this doesn't work with String types!"

Doesn't matter, you shouldn't be using that anyway since it doesn't provide you a way to return localized variations. So maybe this should be better.

enum Section: Int {
    case title, price, others, delete

    func toString() -> String? {
        switch self {
        case .title:
            return NSLocalizedString("Title", comment: "")
        case .price:
            return NSLocalizedString("Price", comment: "")
        case .others:
            return NSLocalizedString("Others", comment: "")
        case .delete:
            return nil

Fixed on #2