bahmutov / local-angular-development

You do not need a server to develop AngularJs

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You do not need a server to do local Angular development. Simple static file with local vendor libraries (like angularjs itself), plus compiled templates, plus mock http E2E backend is enough.

Main points described in this blog post.


You can run the example without any tools, but git:

git clone
cd local-angular-development/dist

open index.html in the browser. Should display simple list of names.

building example

Requires nodejs, bower and grunt.

npm install
bower install

This builds the local page and Angular example app inside dist/ folder. You can open dist/index.html as a local file in the browser and it should work.


The best angular practice is to have separate template files, linked to directives via templateUrl parameter, for example see names.js and names.tpl.html. Usually this would mean separate Ajax call. In this example all HTML templates are compiled into JavaScript using grunt-html2js plugin

// compile all .tpl.html files into single module
html2js: {
  main: {
    options: {
      base: 'src',
      module: '<%= %>.templates'
    src: [ 'src/**/*.tpl.html' ],
    dest: 'tmp/<%= %>.templates.js'

Then concatenate the produced JavaScript file with the rest of the code, it will look something like this:

angular.module('local-angular-development.templates', ['names/names.tpl.html']);
angular.module("names/names.tpl.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
    "<div>\n" +
    "  <ul>\n" +
    "    <li ng-repeat=\"name in names\">{{name}}</li>\n" +
    "  </ul>\n" +
    "</div>\n" +
// names directive depends on the combined template module
var m = angular.module('names', ['local-angular-development.templates']);

function directive() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    templateUrl: 'names/names.tpl.html',
    scope: {},
    controller: ['$scope', '$http', controller]

You can see the entire produced file dist/local-angular-development.js

Ajax data

Frontend has nothing to show without data coming from backend.

For example names directive asks for list of names

function controller($scope, $http) {
  $scope.names = [];
    .then(function (result) {
      $scope.names =;

Just running backend to serve data is wasteful. You can easily serve mock data using ngMockE2E.$httpBackend. This is different from the ngMock.$httpBackend!

ngMockE2E.$httpBackend is there to just serve data, without validating number of requests. One can easily put it directly inside the index.html

angular.module('tester', ['local-angular-development', 'ngMockE2E'])
  .run(function ($httpBackend) {
      names: ['joe', 'john', 'adam']

If you need to delay and slow down mock responses, see Infinite fake data.

Watch and livereload

My favorite benefit from local development is the automatic browser reload on any source change, thanks to grunt-contrib-watch. Any time any source file or main HTML page changes, grunt will rebuild the dist folder and will ask the browser to reload the page:

grunt watch
// Gruntfile.js
watch: {
  all: {
    options: {
      livereload: 35729
    files: ['src/**/*.js', 'src/**/*.html', 'index.html'],
    tasks: ['build']

I had to include the live reload script at the end of the index.html

<script src="http://localhost:35729/livereload.js"></script>

live demo via gh-pages

Because the entire page runs statically, you can have the dist folder hosted on Github via gh-pages branch right away. For example, this project's live demo is at because I have top level domain name pointing at

There is a grunt-gh-pages and we can configure it directly against the dist folder

'gh-pages': {
  options: {
    base: '<%= destination_dir %>'
  src: [

I usually run grunt gh-pages manually whenever I think the demo should be redeployed.


  • ng-wedge - intercept and mock HTTP calls on a live website WITHOUT using mock $httpBackend or modifying the website or installing extensions.


Follow Gleb Bahmutov @twitter, see his projects at or read the blog.


You do not need a server to develop AngularJs


Language:JavaScript 60.9%Language:HTML 39.1%