bahdah / RITMural

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Web Canvas

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The project RITMural was completed in under 24 hours as part of the hackathon challenge in January 2018. The team members who participated in the challenge are the following individuals:

  • Alexander Wall
  • Bahdah Shin
  • Kevin Bastian
  • Vincent Li

The project is a web application that allows users to interact with each other in real time on a painting canvas. The features include the following:

  • multiple pen colors
  • eraser
  • pen size
  • canvas replay from start to finish
  • canvas clean slate after 24 hours

The website was built using the following technologies:

  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Socket.IO
  • HTML Canvas
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Heroku

After the launch, the website received traffic of 100 concurrent users in the first week. Most of the users seem to be participants of the hackathon and students of RIT. The concurrent users diminished the following week to 70 users. Traffic was reduced to about 10 concurrent users after the first month. It seems that the novelty within the campus died out after a month.

We learned a lot during the 24 hours since all of the technologies mentioned above were new to us. We struggled with getting the web application hosted on Google Cloud Platform so we opted for Heroku. We wanted to add a feature that allows us to zoom. I don't think we realized at the time the difference between rasterization and vectorization. Looking back, we could have tackled the zoom problem differently.


The links are old so they may not work, but I wanted to add them for reference.

The Source Code

The Hackathon Profile Page

The Heroku Link to the Web App

The Domain Name to the Web App


License:MIT License