bagrat / vim-buffet

IDE-like Vim tabline

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Separators not correctly displayed when termguicolors is set

ChrisAmelia opened this issue · comments

Using following config:

set nocompatible
set runtimepath^=~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/vim-buffet
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
set hidden

set termguicolors

let g:buffet_powerline_separators = 1

This is the result when termguicolors is not set:


And this is the result when termguicolors is set:


To reproduce:

Comment/uncomment set termguicolors and type:

nvim -u init.vim thing thing2

Is there any work around for this?

Give a look at: master...ChrisAmelia:master

Rewriting the highlights should do it, especially in :

hi! BuffetCurrentBuffer cterm=NONE ctermbg=2 ctermfg=8 guibg=#00FF00 guifg=#000000
hi! BuffetActiveBuffer cterm=NONE ctermbg=10 ctermfg=2 guibg=#999999 guifg=#00FF00
hi! BuffetBuffer cterm=NONE ctermbg=10 ctermfg=8 guibg=#999999 guifg=#000000

This is the result:


@ChrisAmelia I tried install yours and I get

Error detected while processing function buffet#render[2]..<SNR>68_Render:
line   78:
E121: Undefined variable: g:leftCircle
Press ENTER or type command to continue

Define in your init.vim:

let g:rightCircle = "\ue0b4"
let g:leftCircle  = "\ue0b6"

From what I can tell the issue comes from checking if the user is using a gui and then deciding off that to use guicolors. The problem is that obviously some terminals support the same kind of colors as guis. My pull request fixes this by checking if the user is in a gui or has set termguicolors.

This is fixed thanks to @Th3Whit3Wolf