bafatah / VMamba

VMamba: Visual State Space Models,code is based on mamba

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VMamba: Visual State Space Model

Yue Liu1,Yunjie Tian1,Yuzhong Zhao1, Hongtian Yu1, Lingxi Xie2, Yaowei Wang3, Qixiang Ye1, Yunfan Liu1

1 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2 HUAWEI Inc., 3 PengCheng Lab.

Paper: (arXiv 2401.10166)


  • Jan. 28th, 2024: we cloned main into a new branch called 20240128-achieve, the main branch has experienced a great update now. The code now are much easier to use in your own project, and the training speed is faster! This new version is totally compatible with original one, and you can use previous checkpoints without any modification. But if you want to use exactly the same models as original ones, just change forward_core = self.forward_corev1 into forward_core = self.forward_corev0 in classification/models/vmamba/ or you can change into the branch 20240128-archive instead.

  • Jan. 23th, 2024: we add an alternative for mamba_ssm and causal_conv1d. Typing pip install . in selective_scan and you can get rid of those two packages. Just turn self.forward_core = self.forward_corev0 to self.forward_core = self.forward_corev1 in classification/models/vmamba/ to enjoy that feature. The training speed is expected to raise from 20min/epoch for tiny in 8x4090GPU to 17min/epoch, GPU memory cost reduces too. We have not trained our model with this feature, and we'll try in the future.

  • Jan. 22th, 2024: We have released VMamba-T/S pre-trained weights. The ema weights should be converted before transferring to downstream tasks to match the module names using

  • Jan. 19th, 2024: The source code for classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation are provided.


Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) stand as the two most popular foundation models for visual representation learning. While CNNs exhibit remarkable scalability with linear complexity w.r.t. image resolution, ViTs surpass them in fitting capabilities despite contending with quadratic complexity. A closer inspection reveals that ViTs achieve superior visual modeling performance through the incorporation of global receptive fields and dynamic weights. This observation motivates us to propose a novel architecture that inherits these components while enhancing computational efficiency. To this end, we draw inspiration from the recently introduced state space model and propose the Visual State Space Model (VMamba), which achieves linear complexity without sacrificing global receptive fields. To address the encountered direction-sensitive issue, we introduce the Cross-Scan Module (CSM) to traverse the spatial domain and convert any non-causal visual image into order patch sequences. Extensive experimental results substantiate that VMamba not only demonstrates promising capabilities across various visual perception tasks, but also exhibits more pronounced advantages over established benchmarks as the image resolution increases.


  • VMamba serves as a general-purpose backbone for computer vision with linear complexity and shows the advantages of global receptive fields and dynamic weights.


  • 2D-Selective-Scan of VMamba


  • VMamba has global effective receptive field


Main Results

We will release all the pre-trained models/logs in few days!

  • Classification on ImageNet-1K
name pretrain resolution acc@1 #params FLOPs checkpoints/logs
DeiT-S ImageNet-1K 224x224 79.8 22M 4.6G --
DeiT-B ImageNet-1K 224x224 81.8 86M 17.5G --
DeiT-B ImageNet-1K 384x384 83.1 86M 55.4G --
Swin-T ImageNet-1K 224x224 81.2 28M 4.5G --
Swin-S ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.2 50M 8.7G --
Swin-B ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.5 88M 15.4G --
VMamba-T ImageNet-1K 224x224 82.2 22M 4.5G ckpt/log
VMamba-S ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.5 44M 9.1G ckpt/log
VMamba-B ImageNet-1K 224x224 84.0 75M 15.2G waiting
  • Object Detection on COCO
Backbone #params FLOPs Detector box mAP mask mAP checkpoints/logs
Swin-T 48M 267G MaskRCNN@1x 42.7 39.3 --
VMamba-T 42M 262G MaskRCNN@1x 46.5 42.1 ckpt/log
Swin-S 69M 354G MaskRCNN@1x 44.8 40.9 --
VMamba-S 64M 357G MaskRCNN@1x 48.2 43.0 ckpt/log
Swin-B 107M 496G MaskRCNN@1x 46.9 42.3 --
VMamba-B 96M 482G MaskRCNN@1x 48.5 43.1 ckpt/log
Swin-T 48M 267G MaskRCNN@3x 46.0 41.6 --
VMamba-T 42M 262G MaskRCNN@3x 48.5 43.2 ckpt/log
Swin-S 69M 354G MaskRCNN@3x 48.2 43.2 --
VMamba-S 64M 357G MaskRCNN@3x 49.7 44.0 ckpt/log
  • Semantic Segmentation on ADE20K
Backbone Input #params FLOPs Segmentor mIoU checkpoints/logs
Swin-T 512x512 60M 945G UperNet@160k 44.4 --
VMamba-T 512x512 55M 939G UperNet@160k 47.3 ckpt/log
Swin-S 512x512 81M 1039G UperNet@160k 47.6 --
VMamba-S 512x512 76M 1037G UperNet@160k 49.5 ckpt/log
Swin-B 512x512 121M 1188G UperNet@160k 48.1 --
VMamba-B 512x512 110M 1167G UperNet@160k 50.0 ckpt/log
Swin-S 640x640 81M 1614G UperNet@160k 47.9 --
VMamba-S 640x640 76M 1620G UperNet@160k 50.8 ckpt/log

Getting Started

  • Install required packages:
nvcc -V
conda create -n ${conda_env} --clone base
conda init bash && source ~/.bashrc && conda activate vmamba
python -VV
pip -V
pip install torch==1.13.0 torchvision==0.14.0 torchaudio==0.13.0 --extra-index-url
# We use py110 cu117 torch113
pip install packaging
pip install timm==0.4.12
pip install pytest chardet yacs termcolor
pip install submitit tensorboardX
pip install fvcore
pip install seaborn

cd selective_scan && pip install . && pytest
# you can also install packages below as an alternative...
# pip install triton==2.0.0
# pip install causal_conv1d==1.0.0  # causal_conv1d-1.0.0+cu118torch1.13cxx11abiFALSE-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
# pip install mamba_ssm==1.0.1  # mamba_ssm-1.0.1+cu118torch1.13cxx11abiFALSE-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl


  title={VMamba: Visual State Space Model},
  author={Liu, Yue and Tian, Yunjie and Zhao, Yuzhong and Yu, Hongtian and Xie, Lingxi and Wang, Yaowei and Ye, Qixiang and Liu, Yunfan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.10166},


This project is based on Mamba (paper, code), Swin-Transformer (paper, code), ConvNeXt (paper, code), OpenMMLab, and the analyze/ is adopted from replknet, thanks for their excellent works.

  • We release Fast-iTPN recently, which reports the best performance on ImageNet-1K at Tiny/Small/Base level models as far as we know. (Tiny-24M-86.5%, Small-40M-87.8%, Base-85M-88.75%)


VMamba: Visual State Space Models,code is based on mamba


Language:Python 94.5%Language:Cuda 2.8%Language:Shell 1.4%Language:C++ 1.2%Language:C 0.1%