badaix / snapcast

Synchronous multiroom audio player

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Snapclient crashes and will not start under any format.

audas opened this issue · comments

Snapclient crashes and will not start under any format.

  1. Install snapclient on raspberry pi
  2. Run for several hours
  3. Exits and will no longer operate at all. Can not run from any service.

I have been detailing my trials over on the discussions.


I have a second device of the same type which is still running. I will try and replace the card and see if this impacts things.

I have tried to set every possible device name in here - /.asoundrc with all options of

defaults.pcm.card 0,1,2 etc
defaults.ctl.card 2

The below error has changed each time I have changed the default card.

[Error] (Alsa) Exception: Can't open default:CARD=vc4hdmi, error: Unknown error 524, code: -524

Further from the docs this command returns an error

amixer cset numid=3 1


amixer: Control default open error: No such file or directory

Environment details

  • OS: Raspberry Pi Bullseye Lite 32 Bit
  • Snapclient version [e.g. 0.26.0]
  • Installed from apt get snapclient deb


2023-10-17 17-32-51.663 [Info] (Avahi) (Browser) NEW: service 'Snapcast' of type '_snapcast._tcp' in domain 'local'
2023-10-17 17-32-51.666 [Info] (Avahi) (Browser) CACHE_EXHAUSTED
2023-10-17 17-32-51.666 [Info] (Avahi) Service 'Snapcast' of type '_snapcast._tcp' in domain 'local':
2023-10-17 17-32-51.666 [Info] (Avahi)  raspberrypi.local:1704 (
2023-10-17 17-32-51.669 [Info] (Controller) Found server
2023-10-17 17-32-51.669 [Info] (Connection) Resolving host IP for:
2023-10-17 17-32-51.670 [Info] (Connection) Connecting
2023-10-17 17-32-51.677 [Notice] (Connection) Connected to
2023-10-17 17-32-51.677 [Info] (Connection) My MAC: "d8:3a:dd:55:43:33", socket: 8
2023-10-17 17-32-51.946 [Info] (Controller) ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 96, muted: 0
2023-10-17 17-32-51.947 [Info] (Controller) Codec: flac, sampleformat: 44100:16:2
2023-10-17 17-32-51.947 [Info] (Player) Player name: alsa, device: default:CARD=vc4hdmi, description: vc4-hdmi, MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0
2023-10-17 17-32-51.947 [Info] (Player) Default Audio Device, idx: 3, sharing mode: unspecified, parameters: <none>
2023-10-17 17-32-51.948 [Info] (Player) Mixer mode: software, parameters: <none>
2023-10-17 17-32-51.948 [Info] (Player) Sampleformat: 44100:16:2, stream: 44100:16:2
2023-10-17 17-32-51.948 [Info] (Alsa) Using buffer_time: 80 ms, fragments: 4
2023-10-17 17-32-51.955 [Error] (Alsa) Exception: Can't open default:CARD=vc4hdmi, error: Unknown error 524, code: -524
2023-10-17 17-32-51.956 [Fatal] (Snapclient) Exception: Can't open default:CARD=vc4hdmi, error: Unknown error 524
2023-10-17 17-32-51.956 [Notice] (Snapclient) Snapclient terminated.

Just tested with audio only test

aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav

This returned the error

aplay: main:830: audio open error: Unknown error 524

Notice this is the same error.

There was a comment that it COULD be a corrupt SD card, or that i need to install pulse?

Uninstalled and reinstalled snapclient - nothing changed, problem persisted.

As long as the alsa utils report the same error, this is not really a Snapcast bug. Also Snapcast seems not to crash, but terminate itself because of a fatal error.
Google only brings up a potentially SD card issue:

As long as the alsa utils report the same error, this is not really a Snapcast bug. Also Snapcast seems not to crash, but terminate itself because of a fatal error. Google only brings up a potentially SD card issue:

Was SD card issue. Seems to have solved it. Thanks for responding and all your work.