ba0f3 / telebot.nim

Async Telegram Bot API Client implement in @Nim-Lang

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Message response can be very sluggish

WeebNetsu opened this issue · comments

Hello :)

So I've started moving my bot from Python to Nim, and for the most part there are no problems with the move, although, the response time often takes half a second more (or more) to send a reply, compared to the Python version... The Python version uses pyTelegramBotAPI

Now this is of course nothing massive, but that speed difference can sometimes be quite noticeable... Is this a Nim thing? Or maybe I'm compiling it wrong? Or is there something in the module slowing it down?

It seems to be fast at times and other times slow, I can't seem to pinpoint what causes the change in reply speed

I will do a benchmark to check it out.

Can you use treeform's hottie to figure out which is the time consumer?

Thanks :)

Yeah, I'll give it a shot :)

So I'm a total noob with hottie, should I be sending you the dump.txt?

If you dont mind


Also, here is my code, in case you think I may have done something wrong

I figured out that post method of asynchttpclient tooks about 1s to send a message. Maybe that's why response is slow.
I'm trying to resolve it.

Yesterday I ran my bot on a server.
Everything was super fast, from sending messages to processing them.

**It was even faster than my nodejs bot. **

I honestly didn't expect that.
Maybe the issue is no longer valid

Glad to hear that!
@WeebNetsu can you please check it again?

Yes, I'm a bit busy this weekend, but I should be doing a lot of testing next weekend again, and will be able to check again ;)

Please reopen if needed