ba0f3 / ssh2.nim

Async SSH, SCP and SFTP client for Nim, using libssh2 wrapper [WIP]

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Compile fails on MacOS 14.4.1 Sonoma: undeclared routine: 'session_handshake'

scomx opened this issue · comments

Using the provided SFTP test case I get this error when compiling with nim 2.0.2:

/.nimble/pkgs2/ssh2-0.1.7-c23a9941936b249905333d912fcff683262f08bc/ssh2/private/session.nim(17, 17) Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'session_handshake'

Maybe the reason is that in libssh2.nim line 563 there's no when defined(macos) declaration for session_handshake, only windows and linux?

when defined(linux) :

  proc session_handshake*(s: Session, fd: posix.SocketHandle): cint {.ssh2.}

when defined(windows):

  proc session_handshake*(s: Session, fd: winlean.SocketHandle): cint {.ssh2.}