ba0f3 / ssh2.nim

Async SSH, SCP and SFTP client for Nim, using libssh2 wrapper [WIP]

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SCP File Download does not work

theAkito opened this issue · comments

This test does not work.


import asyncdispatch, ssh2, ssh2/scp

proc main() {.async.} =
  var client = newSSHClient()
  defer: client.disconnect()
  await client.connect("", "nim", Port(2222), password="secret")
  let scp = client.initSCPClient()
  await scp.uploadFile("LICENSE", "/tmp/LICENSE")
  await scp.downloadFile("/tmp/LICENSE", "TEST")

waitFor main()
Traceback (most recent call last)
test_scp.nim(11)         test_scp
asyncdispatch.nim(2022)  waitFor
asyncdispatch.nim(1711)  poll
asyncdispatch.nim(1452)  runOnce
threadimpl.nim(269)      processPendingCallbacks
test_scp.nim(9)          main (Async)
scp.nim(55)              downloadFile (Async)
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
Segmentation fault

Double checked, whether the uploaded file exists. Yes, it does exist.

can you gimme some coredump?

can you gimme some coredump?

If you tell me what exactly I need to run, I will probably just run it and give you the output, if it helps. 🙂