bWFuanVzYWth / OriginShader

A shader for MCPE

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Extreme Lag

PrettyLittleDemon opened this issue · comments

Once I loaded the shader into my world, I immediately thought it was beautiful-
But the lag is HORRENDOUS, I could barely move and even turning to look around was extremely hard and full of lag.

Part of the optimization has been completed. I think it should be lighter than before :)

Part of the optimization has been completed. I think it should be lighter than before :)

Ok thank you, I’ve tested it out and it’s a lot less laggy though I think it might peak your interest to know that I think it;s the top water texture that’s actually making most of the lag- I done a few tests and whenever I’m near water it’s hard to move but as soon as I’m under the water- Completely fine
I found this interesting because I have quite a high ram speed meaning it shouldn’t be laggy at all but I just thought it’d be some good information for you to know

The shaders lag to much, Im using snapdragon 732g and i amaze by your shaders. There is a youtuber that show and make a cinematic scene about your shader and i check the comments. Yes all of them are amazed to and I'm one of them. I'm excited to download it because this is the first shader for MCPE that have "LIFE" and i want to test it. But it lags so much any solutions or answer? Dev?