b3nj5m1n / xdg-ninja

A shell script which checks your $HOME for unwanted files and directories.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Solution for Hammerspoon on MacOS - Could someone please add to XDG-Ninja ?

andrewcrook opened this issue · comments

Could someone please add to XDG-Ninja these instructions for .hammerspoon ?

  1. Quit Hammerspoon

  2. from command line
    move/rename .hammerspoon to $HOME/.config/hammerspoon

  3. then on the command line use
    defaults write org.hammerspoon.Hammerspoon MJConfigFile "~/.config/hammerspoon/init.lua”

  4. restart hammerspoon

Not sure why I wasn’t seeing this but it is indeed in the db