b0o / apple-autofill-domains

Apple's allowed autofill domains

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Apple's Allowed Autofill Domains

Build Status Last check: Mon Dec  4 17:03:56 UTC 2023 Last change: Mon Apr  4 10:37:28 UTC 2022

Apple serves a JSON file containing a list of 250,000 domains at the https://cdn.smoot.apple.com/static/autofill_tld_whitelist_url endpoint. This list appears to be used by the Safari web browser to auto-complete domains typed into the address bar.

This repository is automated with a GitHub action that polls the endpoint hourly, saves the response to ./autofill_tld_whitelist_url.json, commits any changes, and updates the badges in the README. You can click on the last change badge to see a diff.


Apple's allowed autofill domains