b-ak / audiosense-pi

AudioSense-Pi is a OSHW certified RPi HAT based on TI's stereo codec

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No audio on PH and Line output

sawacs opened this issue · comments

My hardware: RaspberryPi 4/4GB with latest Raspbian kernel 4.19.


I have two AudioSense-Pi that I have assembled myself.


I added all necessary entries to /boot/config.txt:

My problem is that there is no audio signal on both headphone and line outputs.

Test i did:


1: ffmpeg -i Downloads/1kHz_44100Hz_16bit_30sec.wav -af "pan=stereo|c0=c0|c1=c0" -ar 48000 -f alsa hw:1,0


No audio output! I noticed that "time" increases every two to three seconds and "speed" drops from 0.99 downwards v. fast...
It's the same for both PCBs
Perhaps something is wrong on the PCB, but all the elements were new and I tried to assemble them very carefully!
I'm sure raspbian os recognizes AudioSense-Pi correctly. I carried out the test by giving an audio signal to the LineIn input and switched "Bypass" - HPL / R Output Mixer IN1L / R
I heard on the headphones what was on the line input... I2C is working...
For today I have to finish ...

Maybe someone has an idea where is the problem ....?
Or maybe someone already had such a problem ...?


Can you try this command arecord -D hw:1 -c 2 -r 48000 -f S16_LE | aplay -D hw:1
Connect an audio source to J2 - Mic-In and check what's on your headphones

There was a problem here
... I soldered two resistors R10 and R11 wrongly!

Now I'm going to tests ...

Great!! Any updates? Have you got it working?

I apologize for the short delay in my response ... I was away for a few days.
Yes. I confirm that my tests were successful. Recording works, playback works. Now I am learning the other possibilities of TLV320 ...
Thanks for the help.
... I will try to run modules on OrangePi and NanoPi M4 after some time.

Great to know that. Thank you for a detailed report, it'll help other people trying to recreate the board :)
Also, I'd request you to please drop in the updates about the experiments with OrangePi and NanoPi..