azu / monorepo-utils

A collection of utilities for monorepo/lerna. Tools for TypeScript project references etc..

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Support lerna@3 and converting file-specifiers in package.json before publication

joebowbeer opened this issue · comments

I like the the new version command in lerna 3.0. I also like the lean monorepo approach (aka golden path) based on file specifiers that is demonstrated in zillow/javascript and lerna/lerna.

However, it is still not clear how to achieve the release flow that your script facilitates -- without using some script such as yours. In particular, I want the dev to bump the version in their branch, and have CI publish the changes once they are merged to master.

One of the features of lerna is that it changes file-specifiers in package.json to version numbers before publication. I don't think your script does that now.


Currently, @monorepot-uitls/publish does not depended on lerna.
It is just a wrapper of npm publish.

I want the dev to bump the version in their branch, and have CI publish the changes once they are merged to master.

Yeah, I've created this pacakge for same reason.
But I've created this package before publishing lerna@3.
Also, I've tried to use lerna@3 and I met some trouble almin/almin#361

Should we try to improves lerna?

One of the features of lerna is that it changes file-specifiers in package.json to version numbers before publication. I don't think your script does that now.

lerna feature is implemented as internal feature.

I have no idea about this.


Perhaps close this issue as it is getting old.