azlen / roam-themes

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Pages list strangely cropped... is this a theme issue?

FedGg opened this issue · comments


Hi there @azlen

I have been using Zenith (the best!) for a while and only recently had this problem. What may be causing it?

Screenshot 2020-10-26 at 09 29 38

I also have this problem — black on near black for queries (also posted in a separate thread):

Any thoughts?

Got the same problem here, I think it might be due to some update from Roam's side.

Having the same issue but across my entire database. Is this issue specific to your ‘all pages’?


It has to do with the recent Roam updates, which change the functionality of the sidebar, but ‘break’ the Zenith theme. See >>

For now I Installed the Better Roam theme which works well.

Thank you for the link, should have taken a look at the Roam changelog. I too am using the Better Roam Research theme, though the sidebar functionality from cosmonaut can not be replaced. Spending many hours each day on Roam, this new theme feels very foreign - hopefully Azlen comes up with a solution soon.