azavea / django-amazon-ses

A Django email backend that uses Boto3 to interact with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES).

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Sending emails and receiving bounces/complaints clarification

vovinio opened this issue · comments


  1. Could you please elaborate on the process of sending an email and getting it's delivery/bounce/complaint status?

  2. When sending emails in bulk (i.e list of 50K subscribers), does it send the emails one by one? If so, what is the sending rate (~30 emails per sec)?


Could you please elaborate on the process of sending an email and getting it's delivery/bounce/complaint status?

This library does not attempt to deal with the latter problem of intercepting delivery, bounce, or complaint notifications. Sending is done via the SES SendRawEmail API call.

When sending emails in bulk (i.e list of 50K subscribers), does it send the emails one by one? If so, what is the sending rate (~30 emails per sec)?

I do not know what the sending rate is, as that would be highly dependent on your SES sending limits and the hardware used to run your program.

This library adheres to the BaseEmailBackend API, which means it has a send_messages method that takes a list of messages, and will loop through each to send messages when invoked.