azalea-rs / azalea-viaversion

Multiversion for Azalea

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Infinite loop

Lurgrid opened this issue · comments

I'm running a Fedora 40 (Sway) 64bit and I've noticed that the viaproxy launch loops indefinitely. After reading your code and launching the .jar by hand, I noticed that in my case the parameters are wrong

$ java -jar ViaProxy-3.2.1.jar --bind_port 25568 --version 1.12.2 --openauthmod_auth --target_ip --target_port 0
[02:54:23] [main/INFO] (ViaProxy) Initializing ViaProxy CLI v3.2.1 (git-ViaProxy-3.2.1:6a48668) (Injected using Launcher Agent)...
[02:54:23] [main/INFO] (ViaProxy) Using java version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 21.0.3 (Red Hat, Inc.) on Linux
[02:54:23] [main/INFO] (ViaProxy) Available memory (bytes): 4118806528
[02:54:23] [main/INFO] (ViaProxy) Working directory: /home/culottes/Downloads
[02:54:23] [Via-Mappingloader-0/INFO] (ViaVersion) Loading block connection mappings ...
[02:54:23] [main/INFO] (ViaBackwards) Loading translations...
[02:54:23] [main/INFO] (ViaBackwards) Registering protocols...
[02:54:23] [main/INFO] (ViaRewind) Registering protocols...
[02:54:24] [main/INFO] (ViaBedrock) Started resource pack HTTP server on
[02:54:24] [main/INFO] (ViaVersion) ViaVersion detected lowest supported version by the proxy: 1.7.2-1.7.5 (4)
[02:54:24] [main/INFO] (ViaVersion) Highest supported version by the proxy: 1.20.5-1.20.6 (766)
[02:54:24] [main/FATAL] (ViaProxy) ===============================================================================================================
[02:54:24] [main/FATAL] (ViaProxy) You are using the old ViaProxy CLI which is deprecated and will be removed in the next version of ViaProxy. Please use the new CLI or config file instead. See the ViaProxy README on GitHub for more information.
[02:54:24] [main/FATAL] (ViaProxy) Waiting 10 seconds before continuing...
[02:54:24] [main/FATAL] (ViaProxy) ===============================================================================================================
[02:54:27] [Via Async Scheduler 0/INFO] (ViaVersion) Finished mapping loading, shutting down loader executor!
[02:54:34] [main/ERROR] (ViaProxy) Error parsing options: bind_port is not a recognized option
Option (* = required)                    Description                          
---------------------                    -----------                          
-?, -h, --help                           Get a list of all arguments          
* -a, --ca, --connect_address, --        The address of the target server     
  target_ip <String>                                                          
--allow-beta-pinging                     Enabling this will allow you to ping 
                                           <= b1.7.3 servers. This may cause  
                                           issues with servers that block too 
                                           frequent connections               
--ba, --bind_address, --bind_ip          The address the proxy should bind to 
  <String>                                 (default:           
--betacraft_auth                         Use BetaCraft authentication for     
                                           classic servers                    
-c, --compression_threshold, --ct        The threshold for packet compression 
  <Integer>                                (default: 256)                     
--gui_account, --gui_account_index       Use an account from the ViaProxy GUI 
  <Integer>                                for joining online mode servers    
                                           (Specify -1 for instructions)      
--ignore-packet-translation-errors       Enabling this will prevent getting   
                                           disconnected from the server when a
                                           packet translation error occurs and
                                           instead only print the error in the
                                           console. This may cause issues     
                                           depending on the type of packet    
                                           which failed to translate          
--internal_srv_mode, --isrv              Enable internal srv mode             
--legacy_client_passthrough, --          Allow <= 1.6.4 clients to connect to 
  legacy_passthrough                       the backend server (No protocol    
-o, --om, --online_mode                  Enable proxy online mode             
--oam_auth, --openauthmod_auth           Use OpenAuthMod for joining online   
                                           mode servers                       
--proxy, --proxy_url <String>            URL of a SOCKS(4/5)/HTTP(S) proxy    
                                           which will be used for backend TCP 
--resource_pack, --resource_pack_url,    URL of a resource pack which clients 
  --rp, --rpu <String>                     can optionally download            
-s, --srv, --srv_mode                    Enable srv mode                      
--server-haproxy, --server-haproxy-      Send HAProxy protocol messages to the
  protocol                                 backend server                     
* -v, --version <c0.0.15a-1, c0.0.16a-   The version of the target server     
  02, c0.0.18a-02, c0.0.19a-06, c0.0.20                                       
  a-c0.27, c0.28-c0.30, c0.30 CPE, a1.                                        
  0.15, a1.0.16-a1.0.16.2, a1.0.17-a1.                                        
  0.17.4, a1.1.0-a1.1.2.1, a1.2.0-a1.                                         
  2.1.1, a1.2.2, a1.2.3-a1.2.3.4, a1.                                         
  2.3.5-a1.2.6, b1.0-b1.1.1, b1.1.2,                                          
  b1.2-b1.2.2, b1.3-b1.3.1, b1.4-b1.                                          
  4.1, b1.5-b1.5.2, b1.6-b1.6.6, b1.7-                                        
  b1.7.3, b1.8-b1.8.1, 1.0.0-1.0.1,                                           
  1.1, 1.2.1-1.2.3, 1.2.4-1.2.5, 1.3.1-                                       
  1.3.2, 1.4.2, 1.4.4-1.4.5, 1.4.6-                                           
  1.4.7, 1.5-1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.6.1,                                             
  1.6.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2-1.7.5, 1.7.6-                                           
  1.7.10, 1.8.x, 1.9, 1.9.1, 1.9.2,                                           
  1.9.3-1.9.4, 1.10.x, 1.11, 1.11.1-                                          
  1.11.2, 1.12, 1.12.1, 1.12.2, 1.13,                                         
  1.13.1, 1.13.2, 3D Shareware, 1.14,                                         
  1.14.1, 1.14.2, 1.14.3, 1.14.4,                                             
  1.15, 1.15.1, 1.15.2, 20w14infinite,                                        
  1.16, 1.16.1, Combat Test 8c,                                               
  1.16.2, 1.16.3, 1.16.4-1.16.5, 1.17,                                        
  1.17.1, 1.18-1.18.1, 1.18.2, 1.19,                                          
  1.19.1-1.19.2, 1.19.3, 1.19.4, 1.20-                                        
  1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3-1.20.4,                                              
  Bedrock 1.20.70, 1.20.5-1.20.6, Auto                                        
  Detect (1.7+ servers)>

As indicated, the bind_port option does not exist, but by playing with the parameters I found that this command worked java -jar ViaProxy-3.2.1.jar --bind_ip --version 1.12.2 --openauthmod_auth --target_ip

As a result, this loop, line 112, loops indefinitely because it can never read Binding proxy server to .

loop {
  stdout.read_line(&mut line).await.unwrap();
  if line.contains("Binding proxy server to ") {
      info!("ViaProxy is ready!");

So I corrected the jar launch

let mut child = tokio::process::Command::new("java")
    .arg(format!("{}", bind_port))
    // target_ip and target port don't matter since we're using internal_srv_mode
    .expect("Failed to start ViaProxy");

Unfortunately it doesn't work completely, I manage to leave the infinite loop but when I connect I get an error. But I don't know if it's my fault

2024-05-12T01:03:54.962507Z  INFO azalea_viaversion: ViaProxy is ready!
2024-05-12T01:03:55.400074Z ERROR azalea::swarm: Error joining as SAGB0T: Disconnected: Automatic protocol detection failed!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unhandled exception during ping. Waiting 10s and trying again.

Thanks for reading and I hope I've helped!

I might have the same issue (Fedora 40 KDE Spin). It's just not doing anything beyond downloading ViaProxy the first time. No debug logs either.