ayushi2103 / SwiftImageLoader

A fast, cross-platform Image Loader in Swift for Swift for TensorFlow team.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Swift library for Image Loading




1.) First we get the paths of images in the datasetType
2.) Load the image using that library
3.) Convert and resize it to appropriate tensor
4.) Calculate its label
5.) Append it to final list lof tensors and labels


PIL: https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow
STBImage: https://github.com/nothings/stb
JPEGTurbo: https://github.com/libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo
JPEG Library: https://github.com/kelvin13/jpeg


Results when benchmarked using all 5 steps
size name time std iterations
160 x 160 PIL Image Loading Function 54628854796.0 ns (50 s) ± 3.68 % 5
320 x 320 PIL Image Loading Function 145838154204.0 ns (145 s) ± 12.74 % 5
160 x 160 STB_image Image Loading Function 56738903198.0 ns (50 s) ± 2.81 % 5
320 x 320 STB_image Image Loading Function 144975640171.0 ns (144 s) ± 3.34 % 5
160 x 160 TurboJPEG Load operation 55647521090.5 ns (55 s) ± 2.51 % 5
320 x 320 TurboJPEG Load operation 139024297588.0 ns (139 s) ± 2.66 % 5
160 x 160 JPEG Load operation 117379591932.5 ns (117 s) ± 6.97 % 5
320 x 320 JPEG Load operation 349771842833.5 ns (349 s) ± 0.63 % 5
160 x 160 Nvidia Dali Image Load operation 1780533644 ns (1.78 s) ± 1.99 % 5
320 x 320 Nvidia Dali Image Load operation 1166308317 ns (1.16 s)* ± 0.8% 5
  • Nvidia Dali was benchmarked in Python using a Tesla T4 GPU along with 8 CPUs and 30 Gb memory in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • *For 320 x 320 operation in Nvidia Dali, only 319 images can be loaded due to memory restrictions. The given time is for 319 images out of total 1000 i.e. for 1/3rd of the total dataset.
Results when benchmarked using first 3 steps
size name time std iterations
160 x 160 PIL Image Load operation 1119275437.5 ns (1.1 s) ± 10.5 % 200
320 x 320 PIL Image Load operation 3745457027.0 ns (3.7 s) ± 7.97 % 25
160 x 160 STBImage Image Load operation 944071793.0 ns (0.9 s) ± 0.74 % 5
320 x 320 STBImage Image Load operation 2840012321.0 ns (2.8 s) ± 0.95 % 5
160 x 160 TurboJPEG Image Load operation 748089979.5 ns (0.75 s) ± 2.85 % 50
320 x 320 TurboJPEG Image Load operation 1985243526.50 ns (2.0 s) ± 3.11 % 50
160 x 160 JPEG Image Load operation 52044369008.0 ns (52 s) ± 1.99 % 5
320 x 320 JPEG Image Load operation 195361269887.0 ns (195 s) ± 1.4 % 5


A fast, cross-platform Image Loader in Swift for Swift for TensorFlow team.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Swift 99.3%Language:C 0.7%