Sivan Luo (ayuluo)


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Company:University of Pennsylvania


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Sivan Luo's repositories


We examine the causal impact of early childhood education on social preferences of children. We compare children who, at 3-4 years old, were randomized into either a full-time preschool, a parenting program with incentives, or to a control group. We returned to the same children when they reached 7-8 years old and conducted a series of incentivized experiments to elicit their social preferences.



We create a dataset of salaries for full-time instructional staff for 1980, 1990, and 2001. The file contains variables for total salary outlays, number of staff, and average salary, and should be long by year, unitid (the institutional identifier), academic rank, contract length, and sex. The raw files contain different variables and are in a different format each year; the goal is to harmonize these into a consistent panel dataset that is easy for others to use.



We analyze two student outcomes – student GPA and average ACT test score for 1000 12th graders at the given school district. Specifically, we want to understand, among all the information we know about these students – demographics (gender, ethnicity, special education status, age, household income, and performance index), AP course taking, GPA and student athlete status – which are predictive of graduation and of average ACT test score for students. In addition, we want to understand if average ACT test score is predictive of graduation or vice versa.
