ayufan / camera-streamer

High-performance low-latency camera streamer for Raspberry PI's

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"Server Error" if stream isn't accessed within a certain time after boot.

sarusani opened this issue · comments

When I boot up my pi and access octoprint web interface at least once (so it loads the camera-streamer stream) everything works perfectly fine. (And keeps working, no matter for how long I'm not accessing the camera-streamer stream)

But when I boot up and not open the web interface for some time (it's reproducable100% of the time when I wait at least 60min.) and then load the web interface, I don't get any stream from camera-streamer.
Opening "/webcam/stream" shows the text "Server Error".
Opening "/webcam/" works, "/webcam/status" shows the expected json and "/webcam/control" shows the control interface.

"systemctl status camera-streamer" reports the service as active.

Logs: https://paste.octoprint.org/OYXd3AsGW5 (The entries after "Jul 28 23:56:32" are the ones when it fails)
Cam: 'ov5647' on port 0
System: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 - 11 (bullseye) - Linux octopi 6.1.21-v7l+ #1642 SMP Mon Apr 3 17:22:30 BST 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux

This also happened before the recent libcamera0 & camera-streamer-raspi updates.

Restarting the camera-streamer service fixes the problem. ("systemctl restart camera-streamer")