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Loading Custom Dataset error

Adarsh-gif-crypt opened this issue · comments

I'm trying out Pixellib in Google Colab but when I call load_dataset(), It generates a folder named train.json instead of a file. The folder then contains a file called 'dataset.json'. Relevant screenshots are attached. What to do in this situation?

I have the same problem. Any solutions?

I have the same problem too. Have you found a solution? Would really appreciate some help!

also having this issue. Tried making some changes in the init.py file to no avail

This is solved with:

  1. On Google Collab (or other service) you need to make sure to restart your runtime. Delete folder train.json which has dataset.json in it. It is error with labelcoco.
  2. Run this - downgrading:
    !pip install pixellib==0.5.2 !pip install labelme2coco==0.1.0
  3. Run again.
  4. Profit.