ayn2op / discordo

A lightweight, secure, and feature-rich Discord terminal client.

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Login keyring unlock asking for unknown password?

pawamoy opened this issue · comments

When I run discordo, it asks for a password.


No password that I know of works. Not my login password, not my sudo password, not my GPG password. What password am I suppose to enter here? Am I lacking some system software?

I tried running sudo -E discordo first: it doesn't ask to unlock and goes straight to the TUI login form. I login, checking "remember me", but next time I call discordo, it asks again to unlock the keyring and I have to fill the login form again.

Could it be related to #286?

Note that when other applications ask me to unlock the default keyring, I can type my sudo password and it works fine.

I'm on ArchLinux. Installed discordo from AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/discordo-git

What DE/WM are you using? What keyring software do you have installed?

Thanks for your help! I'm running Qtile, a tiling wm written in Python. No particular desktop environment. I have gnome-keyring-daemon and polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 🤷

On another system, I don't have auto-login enabled, so the default keyring is unlocked when I log in, and discordo does not ask me for the password 👍 However I'm getting an error message: token not found in keyring: secret not found in keyring. Discordo works fine on the other system after I hit cancel on the keyring unlock popup 😂

So in one case, it asks to unlock, but works fine if I cancel, and in the other case, it doesn't ask to unlock, but fails with a "not found" error.