AyaSenri / opengauss_exporter

Prometheus exporter for OpenGauss server metrics.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

openGauss Server Exporter

Prometheus exporter for openGauss server metrics.


  • openGauss Password authentication method must be md5

Quick Start

This package is available for Docker:

# Start an example database
docker run --net=host -it --rm -e GS_PASSWORD=mtkOP@128 enmotech/opengauss
# Connect to it
docker run --net=host -e DATA_SOURCE_NAME="postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable" mogdb/opengauss_exporter

Building and running


The default make file behavior is to build the binary:

$ go get github.com/enmotech/opengauss_exporter
$ cd ${GOPATH-$HOME/go}/src/github.com/enmotech/opengauss_exporter
$ make build
$ export DATA_SOURCE_NAME="postgresql://login:password@hostname:port/dbname"
$ ./bin/opengauss_exporter <flags>


The default make file behavior is to build the binary:

$ go get gitee.com/enmotech/opengauss_exporter
$ cd ${GOPATH-$HOME/go}/src/gitee.com/enmotech/opengauss_exporter
$ make build
$ export DATA_SOURCE_NAME="postgresql://login:password@hostname:port/dbname"
$ ./bin/opengauss_exporter <flags>

To build the docker, run make docker.


  • help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).

  • web.listen-address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. Default is :9187.

  • web.telemetry-path Path under which to expose metrics. Default is /metrics.

  • disable-settings-metrics Use the flag if you don't want to scrape pg_settings.

  • auto-discover-databases Whether to discover the databases on a server dynamically.

  • config Path to a YAML file containing queries to run. Check out og_exporter.yaml for examples of the format.

  • --dry-run Do not run - print the internal representation of the metric maps. Useful when debugging a custom queries file.

  • constantLabels Labels to set in all metrics. A list of label=value pairs, separated by commas.

  • version Show application version.

  • exclude-databases A list of databases to remove when autoDiscoverDatabases is enabled.

  • log.level Set logging level: one of debug, info, warn, error, fatal

  • log.format Set the log output target and format. e.g. logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7 or logger:stdout?json=true Defaults to logger:stderr.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables configure the exporter:

  • DATA_SOURCE_NAME PG_EXPORTER_URL the default legacy format. Accepts URI form and key=value form arguments. The URI may contain the username and password to connect with.

  • OG_EXPORTER_WEB_LISTEN_ADDRESS Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. Default is :9187.

  • OG_EXPORTER_WEB_TELEMETRY_PATH Path under which to expose metrics. Default is /metrics.

  • OG_EXPORTER_DISABLE_SETTINGS_METRICS Use the flag if you don't want to scrape pg_settings. Value can be true or false. Default is false.

  • OG_EXPORTER_AUTO_DISCOVER_DATABASES Whether to discover the databases on a server dynamically. Value can be true or false. Default is false.

  • OG_EXPORTER_CONSTANT_LABELS Labels to set in all metrics. A list of label=value pairs, separated by commas.

  • OG_EXPORTER_EXCLUDE_DATABASES A comma-separated list of databases to remove when autoDiscoverDatabases is enabled. Default is empty string.

Settings set by environment variables starting with OG_ will be overwritten by the corresponding CLI flag if given.

Setting the openGauss server's data source name

The openGauss server's data source name must be set via the DATA_SOURCE_NAME environment variable.

For running it locally on a default Debian/Ubuntu install, this will work (transpose to init script as appropriate):

DATA_SOURCE_NAME="user=postgres host=/var/run/postgresql/ sslmode=disable" opengauss_exporter

Also, you can set a list of sources to scrape different instances from the one exporter setup. Just define a comma separated string.

DATA_SOURCE_NAME="port=5432,port=6432" opengauss_exporter

See the github.com/lib/pq module for other ways to format the connection string.

Adding new metrics via a config file

The --config command-line argument specifies a YAML file containing additional queries to run. Some examples are provided in og_exporter.yaml.

Automatically discover databases

To scrape metrics from all databases on a database server, the database DSN's can be dynamically discovered via the --auto-discover-databases flag. When true, SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datallowconn = true AND datistemplate = false and datname != current_database() is run for all configured DSN's. From the result a new set of DSN's is created for which the metrics are scraped.

In addition, the option --exclude-databases adds the possibily to filter the result from the auto discovery to discard databases you do not need.

run test

make build
cd test;sh test.sh ../bin/opengauss_exporter <config_file>


Monitor user

CREATE USER dbuser_monitor with login monadmin PASSWORD 'Mon@1234';
grant usage on schema dbe_perf to dbuser_monitor;
grant select on pg_stat_replication to dbuser_monitor;


primary and standby

docker network create opengauss_network --subnet=
docker run --network opengauss_network --ip \
  --privileged=true --name opengauss_primary  -h opengauss_primary  -p 1111:5432 -d \
  -e GS_PORT=5432 -e OG_SUBNET= -e GS_PASSWORD=Gauss@123 -e NODE_NAME=opengauss_primary \
  -e 'REPL_CONN_INFO=replconninfo1 = '\''localhost= localport=5434 localservice=5432 remotehost= remoteport=5434 remoteservice=5432'\''\n' enmotech/opengauss:1.1.0 -M primary
docker run --network opengauss_network --ip \
  --privileged=true --name opengauss_standby1 -h opengauss_standby1 -p 1112:5432 -d \
  -e GS_PORT=5432 -e OG_SUBNET= -e GS_PASSWORD=Gauss@123 -e NODE_NAME=opengauss_standby1 \
  -e 'REPL_CONN_INFO=replconninfo1 = '\''localhost= localport=5434 localservice=5432 remotehost= remoteport=5434 remoteservice=5432'\''\n' enmotech/opengauss:1.1.0 -M standby


Prometheus exporter for OpenGauss server metrics.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 90.6%Language:Shell 4.9%Language:Makefile 4.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%