axiros / pycond

Lightweight condition parsing and building of evaluation expressions

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Can we filter a hinner list?

tarzasai opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to filter a list inside a dict:

import pycond as pc

data = {
    'x': [
        {'a': 1},
        {'a': 2}
expr = '[x.a eq 2]'
filtered = list(filter(pc.make_filter(expr), data))
print('matching:', filtered)

I was hoping to use the prefix without an actual index (like Elasticsearch) but I get an AttributeError.
Is it even possible?

if you want exactly your syntax you need a custom value lookup function AND overload the eq function:

    def test_any_in_list(s):
        def foo(a, b):
            # if a is a set, then check for containment:
            return b in a if isinstance(a, set) else a == b

        eq = pc.OPS['eq']
        pc.OPS['eq'] = foo

        def lu(k, v, state):
            for part in k.split('.'):
                if isinstance(state, list):
                    state = set({i.get(part) for i in state})
                    state = state.get(part)
            return state, v

        data = {'x': [{'a': 1}, {'a': 2}]}
        expr = 'x.a eq 2'
        f = pc.make_filter(expr, lookup=lu)
        filtered = list(filter(f, [data]))
        assert filtered == [{'x': [{'a': 1}, {'a': 2}]}]


Closing it; If not content pls. re-open.