axios / axios-docs

Official documentation for the axios HTTP library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Translate docs via Crowdin

Andrulko opened this issue · comments

Current way of translation

Currently, translation of .js and .md files is made offline. Translators should have quite a lot of technical knowledge to provide a translated copy without syntax errors inside. The lack of Translation Memory can also lead to inconsistency of translations and duplicated work.

Better way 😉
In short, you can use Crowdin to improve the process. Advantages are:

  • Free for Open Source. Forever;
  • All tools for collaborative translation (TM, voting, comments etc.)
  • WYSIWYG for Markdown files and safe work with .js files (only values are available for translation, non-translatable fields can be hidden)
  • Automatic GitHub sync will automatically deliver changes made in source files to Crowdin (translators see up-to-date articles) and translations made by community are delivered as a PR. Existing translations would be uploaded to Crowdin after the first sync.

The configuration file for GitHub connector can be seen here:

For those who are interested to see it live, I've created a temporary project:

It would be Crowdin's honour to support Axios l10n effort! Please let me know if I can help you to start a live project