axenov / SummarizationBaselines

Baselines for extractive summarization

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Summarization Baselines

Implementation of summarization baselines. For the moment there are:

  • Random: Select n sentences randomly.
  • Lead: Select the n first sentences.
  • LexRank: Compute similarity between sentences and select the n first sentences ranked using PageRank style algorithm
  • Bart: Transformer model. Implementation thanks huggingface.
  • T5: Transformer model. Implementation thanks huggingface.

More baselines to come


git clone
cd SummarizationBaselines

There is no requirements.txt file yet so install depedencies on demand 🤗.


To run baseline you first have to configure the run_args.json file with your parameters.

This repository is based on nlp library for load data and to compute ROUGE metric.

The idea is that you have a summarization dataset (nlp.Dataset class) with at least a column with texts to summarize (document_column_name) and one column with reference summaries (summary_colunm_name). Then you want to run multiple baselines on it and compare ROUGE results of these differents methods of summarization.

You can add your summarization model (extractive or abstractive) as a new baseline to compare its performance with other baselines. Go here for more details to add a baseline.

Once you have all baselines you need and your dataset you can configure the run_args.json file.

This is an example of a run_args.json file:

    "baselines": [
        {"baseline_class": "Random", "init_kwargs": {"name": "Random"}, "run_kwargs": {"num_sentences": 10}},
        {"baseline_class": "Lead", "init_kwargs": {"name": "Lead"}, "run_kwargs": {"num_sentences": 10}},
        {"baseline_class": "LexRank", "init_kwargs": {"name": "LexRank"}, "run_kwargs": {"num_sentences": 10, "threshold": 0.03, "increase_power": true}},
            "baseline_class": "Bart", 
            "init_kwargs": {
                "name": "Bart CNN",
                "model_name": "bart-large-cnn",
                "input_max_length": 512,
                "device": "cuda",
                "batch_size": 8
            "run_kwargs": {
                "num_beams": 4,
                "length_penalty": 2.0,
                "max_length": 400,
                "min_length": 200,
                "no_repeat_ngram_size": 3,
                "early_stopping": true
            "baseline_class": "T5", 
            "init_kwargs": {
                "name": "T5 base",
                "model_name": "t5-base",
                "input_max_length": 512,
                "device": "cuda",
                "batch_size": 8
            "run_kwargs": {
                "num_beams": 4,
                "length_penalty": 2.0,
                "max_length": 400,
                "min_length": 200,
                "no_repeat_ngram_size": 3,
                "early_stopping": true
            "baseline_class": "T5", 
            "init_kwargs": {
                "name": "T5 fine tuned",
                "model_name": ["t5-base", "/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/Multi-wiki-news/English/t5-wild-glitter-2"],
                "input_max_length": 512,
                "device": "cuda",
                "batch_size": 8
            "run_kwargs": {
                "num_beams": 4,
                "length_penalty": 2.0,
                "max_length": 400,
                "min_length": 200,
                "no_repeat_ngram_size": 3,
                "early_stopping": true

    "dataset": {
        "name": "",
        "split": "test",
        "cache_dir": ".en-wiki-multi-news-cache",
        "document_column_name": "document",
        "summary_colunm_name": "summary"

    "run": {
        "hypotheses_folder": "hypotheses/",
        "csv_file": "results.csv",
        "md_file": "",
        "rouge_types": {
            "rouge1": ["mid.fmeasure"],
            "rouge2": ["mid.fmeasure"],
            "rougeL": ["mid.fmeasure"]

The file is composed of 3 arguments:

  • baselines: it defines all baselines you want to compare with for each the associate class, init_kwargs which are arguments pass to the init function of the class and run_kwargs which are arguments pass to the run function,
  • dataset: it defines dataset's arguments with the name which is the name of the nlp dataset or the path to the dataset python script, the split and the cache_dir of the dataset (see nlp load_dataset function), document_column_name which is the name of the column in the dataset containing the texts to summarize and summary_column_name which is the name of the column in the dataset containing the summaries,
  • run: it defines the ROUGE run arguments with the folder to save hypotheses, optionnal csv_file and md_file to save results to the corresponding format and rouge_types which are the type of ROUGE scores to compute (see nlp rouge metric).

Once the file is configured you can run the computation by running:


Results are stored to the files/folder you put in the run_args.json file.

Add baseline

If you want to add your baseline you have to create a script similar to baselines/ for extractive baseline or baselines/ for abstractive baseline which contain a subclass of Baseline and define the function def rank_sentences(self, dataset, document_column_name, **kwargs) or def get_summaries(self, dataset, document_column_name, **kwargs).

For extractive baseline, the function rank_sentences ranks all sentences of each document and add scores and sentences in a new column of the dataset. It returns the dataset.

For abstractive baseline, the function get_summaries summaries each document and add summaries (also called hypotheses) in a new column of the dataset. It returns the dataset.

Then just add you baseline on the baselines/ file by adding a if and you can use your baseline.

Results for en-wiki-multi-news

rouge1 P rouge1 R rouge1 F rouge2 P rouge2 R rouge2 F rougeL P rougeL R rougeL F
LexRank and T5 fine-tuned w/ LexRank 46.54% 39.30% 40.28% 16.09% 13.27% 13.73% 23.20% 20.03% 20.23%
LexRank and T5 fine-tuned w LexRank 47.31% 37.86% 39.82% 16.55% 12.89% 13.73% 24.24% 19.58% 20.42%
Bart CNN 46.66% 34.55% 37.48% 15.31% 10.94% 12.02% 23.08% 17.25% 18.54%
T5 base 30.91% 20.17% 22.90% 9.30% 5.96% 6.82% 17.55% 11.40% 12.93%
T5 fine tuned 48.36% 39.90% 41.39% 19.10% 15.42% 16.15% 26.40% 21.88% 22.59%
T5 with title fine tuned 49.30% 40.81% 42.15% 19.87% 16.16% 16.81% 27.09% 22.52% 23.14%

Run python run_baseline --run_args_file "run_args_extractives.jon"

rouge1 P rouge1 R rouge1 F rouge2 P rouge2 R rouge2 F rougeL P rougeL R rougeL F
Random 38.84% 45.03% 39.13% 12.81% 14.77% 12.85% 17.13% 20.45% 17.42%
Lead 40.56% 49.35% 41.85% 15.62% 18.78% 16.01% 20.91% 25.75% 21.65%
LexRank 34.05% 53.30% 39.40% 12.63% 19.83% 14.62% 16.04% 26.00% 18.79%
TextRank 34.60% 51.97% 39.31% 12.55% 19.04% 14.33% 16.24% 25.20% 18.65%
TF-IDF 36.72% 50.81% 40.28% 12.75% 18.06% 14.09% 17.01% 24.46% 18.91%
Rouge Oracle 50.48% 56.48% 49.54% 28.52% 29.93% 27.07% 22.68% 25.83% 22.29%


Baselines for extractive summarization


Language:Python 100.0%