axeldelafosse / rock-paper-showtime

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Rock Paper Showtime Template

This is the Player Template for the RPS on-chain game. This repository uses the main rock-paper-showtime repo as a dependency and lets you build, test and deploy your own strategy.

Getting Started


  • install an editor like VS Code with the Solidity extension
  • install foundryup: curl -L | bash
  • install foundry: foundryup
  • click Use this template to create a fork
  • checkout your fork: git clone<github-user>/<template-fork>.git

Sanity check

You should now be able to build and test your setup:

forge build
forge test

Work on your strategy

The point of this workshop will be to develop a smart contract that implements a rock-paper-scissors strategy against other smart contracts. You can check out the default [src/Player.sol]:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

import {IPlayer, Throw} from "rock-paper-showtime/src/interfaces/IPlayer.sol";

contract Player is IPlayer {
    function firstThrow(
        string calldata /* opponentName */
    ) external pure returns (Throw) {
        return Throw.Paper;

    function nextThrow(
        Throw /* prevOpponentThrow */
    ) external pure returns (Throw) {
        return Throw.Paper;

It implements the IPlayer.sol interface:

  • the function firstThrow takes one string argument (the name of your opponent for this game) and returns a Throw (i.e. rock, paper or scissors)
  • the function nextThrow takes one Throw argument (the previous move of your opponent) and also returns a Throw

If you want to get a deeper understanding of how a game plays out, you can check Judge.sol:

  • first, both players register their contract under a name (using Judge.register(string _name, address _addr))
  • then someone invokes player1, string player2)
  • the game looks up the addresses registered under these names
  • the game invokes firstThrow(opponentName) on each player's contract
  • the game then invokves nextThrow(prevOpponentThrow) on each player's contract until one of them gets to 2 wins


  • each player only has 50k gas available to compute their next move
  • the game stops with a draw if there are no winner after 5 rounds

With that in mind, you should be ready to implement some strategies that are more intelligent than the default one, a gambit called the Bureaucrat because it only throws paper.

Test against live opponents

When you run forge test -vvvv --match testAgainstCrescendo, you can see how your local strategy would play out against a registered opponent, in this case crescendo. This lets you test your strategy against live players without having to redeploy every time!


When you are done building and testing, you're ready to deploy and go against live opponents!

First you need a little bit of setup. Create a file called .env with the following format:


Then create a new address and private key with

cast wallet new

Paste the private key in .env and fund the new address at

Then enter your favorite RPC url and Polygonscan API keys in .env.

You are now ready to deploy!

source .env

# dry run
forge script script/Player.s.sol --rpc-url $MUMBAI_RPC_URL

# actually perform the deployment
forge script script/Player.s.sol --rpc-url $MUMBAI_RPC_URL --broadcast --verify



Language:Solidity 100.0%