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Back button `pop` logic race condition

nandorojo opened this issue · comments

There is a very specific case that breaks the pop logic on web used for our custom BackButton behavior on the stack.

If you're on a screen, and hit back, it typically works. However, if the screen you're going back to satisfies the following condition, it breaks:

The screen you're going back to satisfies the linking path ''. That is, if you're going to, then this screen handles that route.


You can never click the back button and end up at the / route.


Take this linking config:

 const linking = useLinkingConfig({
    prefixes: [Linking.makeUrl('/')], 
    config: {
      screens: { 
        artistsTab: {
          path: '',
          initialRouteName: 'artists',
          screens: {
            artist: 'artists/:slug',


In this case, we have 2 routes in play:

  • / routes to the artists screen name (ArtistsListScreen component)
  • /artists/:slug routes to the artist screen name (ArtistDetailScreen component)

Expected behavior

If you're in the artistsTab, and an artist screen is open (artists/djkhaled), clicking back should go to /, opening the artists screen.

Actual behavior

Going "back" from our custom BackButton component while on artists/djkhaled instead sends you back to /artists. This is entirely incorrect. It seems like it's doing this:

  • If the path to go back to matches "", then instead it takes the screen name of that route (in this case artists) and uses that in the URL.
    • This is entirely undesired.

More bad behavior

Similarly, when clicking back to a screen that had a parameter (artists/djkhaled), I have also had it go back to artists?slug=djkhaled), which was breaking the app, since my next.js page at pages/artists didn't have access to the artist detail screen.


A workaround I don't love is this: Add a getPathFromState to your linking config, which transforms your initialRouteName bug and re-routes it to the home screen.

import { getPathFromState } from '@react-navigation/native'

const rootScreenName = 'artists'

 const linking = useLinkingConfig({
    prefixes: [Linking.makeUrl('/')], 
    getPathFromState(state, options) {
      const path = getPathFromState<ReactNavigation.RootParamList>(

      if (path == '/' + rootScreenName) {
        return '/'

      if (path == '/' + rootScreenName + '?') {
        return '/' // TODO not sure what to do when this happens
      return path
    config: {
      screens: { 
        artistsTab: {
          path: '',
          initialRouteName: rootScreenName,
          screens: {
            artist: 'artists/:slug',


I only have this in my app right now, so I would need to build a repro here still.

I think the right solution will be to somehow use the first-class citizen getPathFromState inside of the back button:

We just have to figure out how to get the state after popping that screen off. Is it as simple as making the index of the state one lower? The difficult part is recursively getting down to the current screen and knowing which one has to pop. After all, that is what the .pop() function is supposed to do for us...

Another solution is to not use the '' URL in a stack haha. Not ideal.

I'm also finding that adding an artists route helps. Currently, I only have '' and artists/:slug. Doing this helps:

 const linking = useLinkingConfig({
    prefixes: [Linking.makeUrl('/')], 
    config: {
      screens: { 
        artistsTab: {
          path: '',
          initialRouteName: 'artists',
          screens: {
            artist: 'artists/:slug',
            artists: 'artists'

I'm also finding that adding an artists route helps. Currently, I only have '' and artists/:slug. Doing this helps:

 const linking = useLinkingConfig({
    prefixes: [Linking.makeUrl('/')], 
    config: {
      screens: { 
        artistsTab: {
          path: '',
          initialRouteName: 'artists',
          screens: {
            artist: 'artists/:slug',
            artists: 'artists'

This is the best solution I have so far. As long as the home page is a "list" screen that can also map to another URL, it's fine. My recommendation for generalized use would be to also have a route at home that catches the same screen. That way, if you go "back" it'll go to /home, and you'll have the same screen there as /. It requires making an extra screen for Next.js, but not that bad.

I made a redirect in my next config:

 * @type {import('next').NextConfig}
const nextConfig = {
  experimental: {
    esmExternals: 'loose',
  images: {
    disableStaticImages: true,
  async redirects() {
    return [
        source: '/',
        destination: '/artists',
        permanent: false,

Still looking into better solutions, since we of course want to be able to use the root endpoint.

Okay, I have a better diagnosis of the problem:

When you go back from a given screen, it will always turn the URL into the name of that screen. It seems that this pop logic is just completely off.

If you're at /artists/:id with screen name artist, and go back, it will always go back to /artist.

If you're at /venues/:id with screen name venue, and go back, it will go back to /venue. This makes no sense for behavior, of course; it should go to the previous screen in the stack.

This makes no sense for behavior, of course; it should go to the previous screen in the stack.

Damn, this is weird! Can you share your current implementation for router.pop() please? Just want to make sure we have the same before digging into this. I don't think I have the same behaviour, a repro would be helpful.

Yeah! here's my back button:

import {
  HeaderBackButton as ReactNavigationHeaderBackButton,
} from '@react-navigation/elements'
import { useRouter } from '../use-router'

import { useRouter as useNextRouter } from 'next/router'
import { StackRouter } from '@react-navigation/routers'
import {
} from '@react-navigation/native'
import { NativeStackScreenProps } from '@react-navigation/native-stack'

// this is scary...
// @ts-expect-error but react navigation doesn't expose LinkingContext 😬
import LinkingContext from '@react-navigation/native/lib/module/LinkingContext'
import { LinkingOptions } from '@react-navigation/native'

import { useContext } from 'react'

// hack to access getStateForAction from react-navigation's stack
const stack = StackRouter({})

export function HeaderBackButton({
}: HeaderBackButtonProps & {
  navigation: NativeStackScreenProps<any>['navigation']
}) {
  const linking = useContext(LinkingContext) as
    | {
        options?: LinkingOptions<ReactNavigation.RootParamList>
    | undefined
  const nextRouter = useNextRouter()
  if (!props.canGoBack) {
    return null
  const back = () => {
    if (nextRouter) {
      const nextState = stack.getStateForAction(
        // @ts-expect-error pop and goBack don't need the dict here, it's okay
        // goBack:
        // pop:
      console.log('[back]', {
        state: navigation.getState(),
      if (nextState) {
        const getPath = linking?.options?.getPathFromState || getPathFromState
        const path = getPath(nextState, linking?.options?.config)

        if (path != undefined) {
          return nextRouter.replace(path)


  return <ReactNavigationHeaderBackButton {...props} onPress={back} />

These are my navigation options:

export const useNativeStackNavigationOptions = (): React.ComponentProps<
  typeof NativeStack['Navigator']
>['screenOptions'] => {
  const sx = useSx()
  const { theme } = useDripsyTheme()

  const isDrawer = useIsDrawer() 

  return useMemo(
    () =>
      }: {
        navigation: NativeStackScreenProps<NativeStackParams>['navigation']
      }) => ({
        headerTintColor: theme.colors.text,
        headerTitleStyle: {
          fontFamily: theme.customFonts[theme.fonts.root][500],
        headerShadowVisible: false,
        contentStyle: {
          flex: 1,
          web(props) {
            return <HeaderBackButton {...props} navigation={navigation} />
        cardStyle: {
          flex: 1,
          backgroundColor: 'transparent',

I just learned one added, interesting thing:

If you want one screen to be able to go back to another, they have to both be in the same stack. So make sure that the stack you make in /pages includes all the screens that should be possible to go back to inside of it.

Omg, that actually solved all of this. lol. wow. I should have thought this through more.

I'll need to document this really clearly.


Imagine you have these routes


In this case, if you open /artists/drake, then going back should always go back to /artists.

The structure for this library is like so: every single Next.js page is a React Navigation Stack.

So let's look at why this was breaking for me:

What I did incorrectly

For each page, I had a stack like this:


export function ArtistPage() {
  const screenOptions = useNativeStackNavigationOptions()
  return (
    <NativeStack.Navigator screenOptions={screenOptions}>
        getId={({ params }) => params?.slug}

This seemed harmless. But when I click goBack, React Navigation is looking in this stack, and thinking, okay, I'll just send you back from here, which would just be the artist screen, without any params. So it goes to /artist.

In retrospect, this was a pretty dumb mistake from me.

The solution

For screens that should stack on top of others, it's important that their stack contains every screen involved. For example, if you want to open /artists/djkhaled, and have it be able to go back to /artists, it's important for the stack to have the artists screen. That way, React Navigation says, okay, that is the previous screen in this stack.

Recall that we defined artists as initialRouteName in linking config:

const linking = useLinkingConfig({
  prefixes: [Linking.makeUrl('/')],
  config: {
    screens: {
      artistsTab: {
        path: '',
        initialRouteName: 'artists',
        screens: {
          artist: 'artists/:slug',
          artists: 'artists'

In order for this to work, you need to render artists in the initial stack, even if you're on the artists/:slug screen.

So here is what our pages/artists/[slug].tsx actually looks like:

// pages/artists/[slug]

export default function ArtistPage() {
  const screenOptions = useNativeStackNavigationOptions()
  return (
    <NativeStack.Navigator screenOptions={screenOptions}>
        getId={({ params }) => params?.slug}
        name="artists" // this is added

Since this stack has both the /artists/[slug] and /artists screen, we can use the same stack for /pages/artists:

// pages/artist

export { default } from './[slug]

Thinking out loud

The remaining things I write are unconfirmed thoughts that I still need to test. I'm writing them so that I can try them out and see what works. The above is the right solution. The below might be wrong.

We now have a working /artists and /artists/[slug] screen.

But why should the /artists route load in the code for /artists/[slug]? This feels unnecessary, right?

After all, /artists never has to go back to any screen; it is the root of its stack.

What if /pages/artists only exported its own screen:

// pages/artists

export function ArtistPage() {
  const screenOptions = useNativeStackNavigationOptions()
  return (
    <NativeStack.Navigator screenOptions={screenOptions}>
      <NativeStack.Screen name="artists" component={ArtistsScreen} />

Since artists is the root screen of this stack, and will never go back anywhere, it's fine to only include artists in this stack.

One concern I have with this approach is, we will lose the scroll position of /artists when we open an artist, since it will unmount.

So a better solution is probably to still include the artist screen inside of /artists, loaded dynamically:

// pages/artists

const ArtistScreen = dynamic(() => import('screens/artist'))

export function ArtistPage() {
  const screenOptions = useNativeStackNavigationOptions()
  return (
    <NativeStack.Navigator screenOptions={screenOptions}>
      <NativeStack.Screen name="artist" component={ArtistScreen}
        getId={({ params }) => params?.slug} />
      <NativeStack.Screen name="artists" component={ArtistsScreen} />

Retaining scroll position for shallow routes

The above will technically still lose scroll position, because Next.js will fully unmount the /artists route in favor of /artists/[slug].

The solution to get around that would be to navigate to /artists?slug=djkhaled with shallow routing, and then tell React Navigation to treat that URL as /artists/:slug.

const { push } = useRouter()

const openArtists = () =>
  push('/artists?slug=djkhaled', '/artists/djhkaled', { shallow: true })

Here we're using the as value in push to set the URL in the address bar to /artists/djkhaled.

The thing is, React Navigation uses the pathname (the first argument), not the asPath, to trigger navigations.

So I see two possible solutions:

1. Create a "redirect" in linking, using getPathFromState (meh)

const linking = useLinkingConfig({
  prefixes: [Linking.makeUrl('/')],
  getPathFromState(state, options) {
   const path = getPathFromState(state, options)

   if (path.startsWith('/artists?slug=') {
     return `/artists/${path.split('/artists?slug=')[1]}`

  return path
  config: {
    screens: {
      artistsTab: {
        path: '',
        initialRouteName: 'artists',
        screens: {
          artist: 'artists/:slug',
          artists: 'artists'

Provide a flag inside of push for native

const { push } = useRouter()

const openArtists = () =>
  push('/artists?slug=djkhaled', '/artists/djhkaled', {
    shallow: true,
    native: {
      useAsPath: true

Tree shaking /artists/[slug]

In the /artists page, we dynamically imported artist, the screen that goes to /artists/[slug].

In the /artists/[slug] page, we can do the same: dynamically import artists, the screen for /artists:

// artists/[slug]

const ArtistsScreen = dymamic(() => import('screens/artists'))

export function ArtistPage() {
  const screenOptions = useNativeStackNavigationOptions()
  return (
    <NativeStack.Navigator screenOptions={screenOptions}>
        getId={({ params }) => params?.slug}

I'll be testing these things out.

Notice that we use the same screens everywhere, but the way they get imported/displayed in a given page differs. I'll keep testing these things, but overall, the race condition is solved by this comment.

Let me know if anything is unclear.

Also, looks like this logic works better for going back. Seems like getPathFromState is returning the incorrect path I'm checking the next state screen's path.

  const back = () => {
    if (nextRouter) {
      const nextState = stack.getStateForAction(
        // @ts-expect-error pop and goBack don't need the dict here, it's okay
        // goBack:
        // pop:
      if (nextState) {
        let path =
          nextState.index != undefined
            ? nextState.routes[nextState.index]?.path
            : undefined

        if (!path) {
          const getPath = linking?.options?.getPathFromState || getPathFromState
          path = getPath(nextState, linking?.options?.config)

        if (path != undefined) {
          return nextRouter.replace(path)


The structure for this library is like so: every single Next.js page is a React Navigation Stack.

Yeah that's what I do for my apps. We should really communicate about this and write a complete guide on the architecture.

Just tested using dynamic imports to improve tree shaking and it's working well! Good idea, thanks!

sweet. will def have this in the dedicated docs