awslabs / aws-sdk-kotlin

Multiplatform AWS SDK for Kotlin

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Public API for URL signing?

trevjonez opened this issue · comments

Describe the issue

Currently trying to build an ApiGateway websocket driven app that is using IAM for auth and need a way to sign a wss URL in order to connect.

Steps to Reproduce

This SO answer gives a good description of what I am wanting to achieve.

I have got an answer from AWS support. I will need to sign the wss URL. So instead of
setting request headers in a HTTP request, the signature information will be passed to the
url in the query string parameters. A signed wss URL looks like: wss://API_ID.execute-

To generate the signed URL, I can use Signer.signUrl method from @aws-amplify/core library.

Current behavior

All of the signing details are buried in the Smithy SDK as an implementation detail of the things that provide pre-signing options. (IE: S3)

AWS Kotlin SDK version used


Platform (JVM/JS/Native)


Operating System and version


Thanks for the question. Can you share more information about the specific SDK operation you're trying to create a presigned URL for? You're correct that we don't expose pre-signing capabilities and instead generate them for a few specific services. We may be able to add it for API Gateway depending on the use case.

My usecase is I believe very similar to the SO answer.

I want to sign a wss:// URL so that I can use AWS_IAM as the auth type.

In my case it will be from the JVM most likely using OKHttp as the client implementation.

Current best looking workaround I think will be using the com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer from the android aws core sdk. But I do think having some sort of public API similar to what the android sdk provides would be appropriate for the kotlin SDK.