awslabs / aws-sdk-kotlin

Multiplatform AWS SDK for Kotlin

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Refactoring of `smithy-rules-engine` for code generation

kstich opened this issue · comments

Describe the feature

The package smithy-rules-engine has undergone a major refactoring in an effort to improve validation, separate AWS and non-AWS concerns, add a specification, and better align with Smithy's coding standards. A code-stable pull request is available here. General notes are provided in individual commit messages. The format of the rules documents have not changed, meaning a successful migration to the refactored codebase will involve no changes to code generated for an SDK client.

The Smithy team plans to release this update on August 15th, 2023. Please reach out to us for any additional information or concerns.

Is your Feature Request related to a problem?


Proposed Solution

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Describe alternative solutions or features you've considered

No response


  • I may be able to implement this feature request

AWS Kotlin SDK version used


Platform (JVM/JS/Native)


Operating System and version


To account for upcoming traits to simplify the AWS endpoints modeling story for service teams, the AWS-specific components in this work have moved from smithy-aws-rules-engine to smithy-aws-endpoints. No other changes to the code within the package has been made.

To accomodate this change, we're pushing the planned release of the refactoring to August 22nd, 2023.

The coordinated release is being pushed to 09/06. This does not change or impact the required changes for the SDKs.

The coordinated release of this refactoring has been delayed until 09/20.


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