awslabs / aws-sdk-kotlin

Multiplatform AWS SDK for Kotlin

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ImdsCredentialsProvider does not follow redirects

argggh opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When running under k8s and using kiam to proxy IAM metadata requests, requests towards /latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials result in HTTP 301 responses with redirects to /latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/ (trailing slash). This is different from the behavior when accessing EC2 metadata directly, where both variants result in HTTP 200. Arguably this should be addressed kiam side, but I don't think any development is done in that project at this point. It seems the Rust SDK has chosen to address this by simply always appending the final slash: awslabs/aws-sdk-rust#560

Expected behavior

Instantiating ImdsCredentialsProvider() should be able to discover the IAM/kiam provided role associated with the running context under k8s/kiam.

Current behavior

When no profileOverride is supplied to ImdsCredentialsProvider, it fails with

Suppressed: aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.auth.awscredentials.CredentialsProviderException: failed to load instance profile
	at aws.sdk.kotlin.runtime.auth.credentials.ImdsCredentialsProvider.resolve(ImdsCredentialsProvider.kt:83)
	at aws.sdk.kotlin.runtime.auth.credentials.ImdsCredentialsProvider$resolve$1.invokeSuspend(ImdsCredentialsProvider.kt)
Caused by: aws.sdk.kotlin.runtime.config.imds.EC2MetadataError: error retrieving instance metadata
	at aws.sdk.kotlin.runtime.config.imds.ImdsClient$get$op$1$1.deserialize(ImdsClient.kt:117)

Steps to Reproduce

Instantiating ImdsCredentialsProvider under k8s/kiam.

Possible Solution

Append terminating slash to URL used for profile discovery in loadProfile.


No response

AWS Kotlin SDK version used

1.1.1, relevant code appears unchanged up until 1.2.6.

Platform (JVM/JS/Native)


Operating System and version

Linux 6.1.85