awslabs / aws-sdk-kotlin

Multiplatform AWS SDK for Kotlin

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Telemetry provider implementation for micrometer

monosoul opened this issue · comments

Describe the feature

TelemetryProvider implementation to publish metrics using micrometer

Is your Feature Request related to a problem?

It would be great if alongside the OTel implementation, there was also a micrometer implementation. Unfortunately, there's no adapter from OTel API to micrometer, there's no way to use OTel telemetry provider with micrometer.

Proposed Solution

Provide TelemetryProvider implementation usable with micrometer

Describe alternative solutions or features you've considered

No response


  • I may be able to implement this feature request

AWS Kotlin SDK version used


Platform (JVM/JS/Native)


Operating System and version

Linux 6.8.7


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