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Add ecs task 'overrides' to eventbridge builder

samburtonlaurie opened this issue · comments

Describe the feature

I may be missing something but i can't seem to find overrides for an EcsParameters. In the console you can add container overrides like in the SS attached.

Is your Feature Request related to a problem?


Proposed Solution

Start by adding public var overrides kotlin.String? = null into

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No response


  • I may be able to implement this feature request

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This should probably be part of the scheduler rather than eventbridge actually.

I'm not familiar with this feature but it appears to be available through Amazon EventBridge Pipes and requires using the PipesClient via the package aws.sdk.kotlin:pipes.

PipesClient.fromEnvironment().use { pipes ->
    pipes.createPipe {
        targetParameters {
            ecsTaskParameters {
                overrides {
                    containerOverrides = listOf(
                        EcsContainerOverride {

Is that what you're looking for or is yours a different use case?

I found you can use the SchedulerClient and just put the containeroverrides in the input of Target.
Thanks for getting back to me @ianbotsf


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