awslabs / aws-sdk-kotlin

Multiplatform AWS SDK for Kotlin

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S3 ExecutionContext defaults not being set

aajtodd opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

#1151 broke the way we generate mergeServiceDefaults

This appears to only affect S3

Expected behavior

Versions prior to 1.0.18:

    private fun mergeServiceDefaults(ctx: ExecutionContext) {
        ctx.putIfAbsentNotNull(AwsClientOption.Region, config.region)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(SdkClientOption.ClientName, config.clientName)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(SdkClientOption.LogMode, config.logMode)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(AwsSigningAttributes.SigningService, "s3")
        ctx.putIfAbsentNotNull(AwsSigningAttributes.SigningRegion, config.region)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(AwsSigningAttributes.CredentialsProvider, config.credentialsProvider)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(AwsSigningAttributes.NormalizeUriPath, false)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(AwsSigningAttributes.UseDoubleUriEncode, false)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(AwsSigningAttributes.SignedBodyHeader, AwsSignedBodyHeader.X_AMZ_CONTENT_SHA256)

Current behavior

Versions 1.0.18+

    private fun mergeServiceDefaults(ctx: ExecutionContext) {
        ctx.putIfAbsent(SdkClientOption.ClientName, config.clientName)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(SdkClientOption.LogMode, config.logMode)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(AwsSigningAttributes.NormalizeUriPath, false)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(AwsSigningAttributes.UseDoubleUriEncode, false)
        ctx.putIfAbsent(AwsSigningAttributes.SignedBodyHeader, AwsSignedBodyHeader.X_AMZ_CONTENT_SHA256)

Steps to Reproduce

This came about testing MRAP buckets and getting unexpected exception:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: No instance for AttributeKey(aws.smithy.kotlin.signing#AwsSigningRegion)

This should never happen since SigningRegion should always be set in the default execution context if a non-null region is configured.

Possible Solution

No response


No response

AWS Kotlin SDK version used


Platform (JVM/JS/Native)


Operating System and version


The reason this doesn't affect most S3 requests is that it's auth scheme resolver relies on the endpoint resolver which sets a signing region in the auth scheme attributes which ultimately get merged into the signing request.

(endpoint parameters have access to region from both the service client config and/or bucket ARN)

return Endpoint(
    attributes = attributesOf {
        SigningContextAttributeKey to listOf(
                serviceName = "s3-outposts",
                disableDoubleUriEncode = true,
                signingRegion = "${bucketArn?.region}",

For mrap/sigv4a requests this fails because it sets signingRegionSet and not signingRegion:

return Endpoint(
      attributes = attributesOf {
          SigningContextAttributeKey to listOf(
                  serviceName = "s3",
                  disableDoubleUriEncode = true,
                  signingRegionSet = listOf(


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