awslabs / aws-sdk-kotlin

Multiplatform AWS SDK for Kotlin

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ByteStream Extension fun does not work as expected

lauzadis opened this issue · comments

I tried to replace my codes using FLow<ByteArray>.toByteStream in my codes, but encountered error like this.

The Github actions stack:

The original code caused this issue:

suspend fun String, resourceKey: String, data: Flux<DataBuffer>) {
    val mediaType = MediaTypeFactory.getMediaType(resourceKey)
        .orElseGet { MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM }

    val byteArrayFlow = data
        .map { dataBuffer ->
            val bytes = ByteArray(dataBuffer.readableByteCount())

    val request = PutObjectRequest {
        bucket = bucketName
        body = byteArrayFlow.toByteStream(applicationScope) // here I use toByteStream to transfer the data type.
        key = resourceKey
        contentType = mediaType.toString()
    val result = try {
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        throw S3ClientException(e.message ?: "Failed to store object $resourceKey")
    println("store object to $bucketName: ${result.eTag}")

Originally posted by @hantsy in #1127

Hi, I'm able to replicate this. Looking into a potential fix now.

My replication:

    val client = S3Client.fromEnvironment {
        credentialsProvider = // your credentials here
        region = "us-east-1"

    val byteArrayFlow: Flow<ByteArray> = flowOf("abc".encodeToByteArray(), "def".encodeToByteArray())
    client.putObject {  
        bucket = // your bucket here
        key = "playing-with-flows.dat"
        body = byteArrayFlow.toByteStream(this@runBlocking)

I see the same error Stream must be replayable to calculate a body hash, which is thrown during signing / canonicalization when the body is not replayable.

I am not sure why it have to accept a coroutinescope as param, and I created a custom scope like this,

private val applicationScope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.IO)

It did not work.

I see the same error Stream must be replayable to calculate a body hash, which is thrown during signing / canonicalization when the body is not replayable.

So it can not process the Flow that is a hot stream? such as multipart from Spring reactive.

At this time S3 requires Content-Length to be set on all requests (see this issue for more explanation). So, to successfully make the request, you need to provide a content length in the call to toByteStream.

    val client = S3Client.fromEnvironment {
        credentialsProvider = // your credentials here
        region = "us-east-1"

    val byteArrayFlow: Flow<ByteArray> = flowOf("abc".encodeToByteArray(), "def".encodeToByteArray())
    client.putObject {  
        bucket = // your bucket here
        key = "playing-with-flows.dat"
        body = byteArrayFlow.toByteStream(this@runBlocking, 6) // must provide content length

Got it.

Hope there are a real dynamic Flow improvement that does not requires the content length. Spring reactive does not need it when reading/writing contents to HTTP.

If you're handling an HTTP request and proxying data to S3 you might be able to use the HTTP request Content-Length header if it's available to you.

It's possible that we can abstract this in the future but it's not a limitation of the SDK but of the underlying S3 PutObject request.

Closing this as there is no further action to take at this time.


Comments on closed issues are hard for our team to see.
If you need more assistance, please either tag a team member or open a new issue that references this one.
If you wish to keep having a conversation with other community members under this issue feel free to do so.

I also stumbled across this issue and it seems that setting the contentLength isn't (always) enough.

In my case I have a:

  • isOneShot ByteStream
  • Request of known size and known SHA256
  • Request is smaller than the chunk size

In this case in AwsHttpSigner hashSpecification is set to CalculateFromPayload as:

  • contextHashSpecification == null
  • body != HttpBody.Empty
  • ! body.isEligibleForAwsChunkedStreamin
  • !isUnsignedPayload

This later leads to the same issue.

It might be that this is really only due to the small object size (~20 KB), as chunking might fix this?

My workaround was the following:

S3Client {
      interceptors.add(object : HttpInterceptor {
          override suspend fun modifyBeforeSigning(context: ProtocolRequestInterceptorContext<Any, HttpRequest>): HttpRequest {
            (context.request as? PutObjectRequest)?.let { putObjectRequest ->
              val body = putObjectRequest.body
              val sha256 = putObjectRequest.checksumSha256
              if (body?.isOneShot == true && sha256 != null) {
                val sha256Base64 = Base64.getDecoder().decode(sha256).encodeToHex()
                // Set SHA256 for signature calculation from known content SHA256
                context.executionContext.attributes[AwsSigningAttributes.HashSpecification] = HashSpecification.Precalculated(sha256Base64)
            return context.protocolRequest

Maybe it would make sense to add this special case to the library?

@felixscheinost can you open a new issue (with a reproduction if possible)? If you have a known content length then it should work with or without chunking and we should probably look at what you're seeing closer.