awslabs / aws-crt-java

Java bindings for the AWS Common Runtime

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The service request was not made within 10 seconds of doBlockingWrite being invoked

luxhoon1216 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

I'm not sure if it's a bug or incorrect settings in my side. I'm occasionally getting the error while uploading files to S3. My application is based on SpringBoot 2.3.4.RELEASE with jetty.

implementation ""
implementation ""

Expected Behavior

Files are uploaded without any error.

Current Behavior

It occasionally fails due to this error but not always.

message:  The service request was not made within 10 seconds of doBlockingWrite being invoked. Make sure to invoke the service request BEFORE invoking doBlockingWrite if your caller is single-threaded. 
    stack_trace:  java.lang.IllegalStateException: The service request was not made within 10 seconds of doBlockingWrite being invoked. Make sure to invoke the service request BEFORE invoking doBlockingWrite if your caller is single-threaded.

Reproduction Steps

I'm sharing my code.


    public S3AsyncClient getS3AsyncClient(@Value("${s3ClientConfig.region}") String region,
                                          @Value("${s3ClientConfig.proxyHost}") String proxyHost,
                                          @Value("${s3ClientConfig.proxyPort}") Integer proxyPort,
                                          AwsCredentialsProviderChain awsCredentialsProviderChain) {
        Region awsRegion = Region.of(region);

        S3CrtAsyncClientBuilder s3CrtAsyncClientBuilder =

        if (isProxyDefined(proxyHost, proxyPort)) {
            s3CrtAsyncClientBuilder.httpConfiguration(getS3CrtConfigWithProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort));


    public S3TransferManager getS3TransferManager(S3AsyncClient s3AsyncClient) {
        return S3TransferManager.builder()

    private S3CrtHttpConfiguration getS3CrtConfigWithProxy(String proxyHost, Integer proxyPort) {
        S3CrtProxyConfiguration proxyConfiguration = S3CrtProxyConfiguration.builder()
        return S3CrtHttpConfiguration.builder().proxyConfiguration(proxyConfiguration).build();


public long uploadFileStream(String bucketName, String fileName, InputStream fileStream, long assetSize) {
        BlockingInputStreamAsyncRequestBody body =

        Upload upload = s3TransferManager.upload(builder -> builder
            .putObjectRequest(req -> req.bucket(bucketName).key(fileName))

        long uploadedFileSize = body.writeInputStream(fileStream);

        upload.completionFuture().join();"uploaded stream successfully: filename {}, assetSize {}, actualUploadedSize {}", fileName, assetSize, uploadedFileSize);
        return uploadedFileSize;

Possible Solution

No response

Additional Information/Context

When it happens, it happens in only one instance out of 8 instances even though traffic is distributed evenly across the cluster.

aws-crt-java version used


Java version used


Operating System and version

Amazon Linux, version 2 (EC2)

Can you provide us with the crt logs from when this is happening?

Greetings! It looks like this issue hasn’t been active in longer than a week. We encourage you to check if this is still an issue in the latest release. Because it has been longer than a week since the last update on this, and in the absence of more information, we will be closing this issue soon. If you find that this is still a problem, please feel free to provide a comment or add an upvote to prevent automatic closure, or if the issue is already closed, please feel free to open a new one.