awslabs / aws-crt-java

Java bindings for the AWS Common Runtime

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android libs not bundled

aajtodd opened this issue · comments

CRT fails to init on android (emulator or otherwise):

W/System.err: Unable to unpack AWS CRT lib: Unable to open library in jar for AWS CRT: /android/x86/ Unable to open library in jar for AWS CRT: /android/x86/

I don't see any android platform dir in the release jar (neither 0.12.5 or latest 0.13.1):

> jar -xf ~/Downloads/aws-crt-0.13.1.jar                                                                                                                                                                                    
> ls
META-INF                com                     libaws-c-event-stream.a libs2n.a                linux                   osx                     software                windows

closed by #367. Android support is provided by a new artifact aws-crt-android.