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Not able to create and run a new Instance

rrajj opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

Create a new instance and run a provided script.

Actual behavior

Nothing happens at the following line of code:

try {
    console.log(in try block);
    const response = await client.send(command);
  } catch (err) {

Code just stops after printing in try block. Checked the console, no errors there.

Steps to reproduce

// Create a new EC2 instance.
export const main = async () => {
  const command = new RunInstancesCommand({
    ImageId: 'ami-07caf09b362be10b8',
    InstanceType: 't2.micro',
    // Ensure only 1 instance launches.
    MinCount: 1,
    MaxCount: 1,

  try {
    const response = await client.send(command);
  } catch (err) {

2) Running the code should create and run an instance, BUT nothing happens at all.

Logs / stacktrace (if applicable)

2024-05-12T18:29:43.843Z	5f9b7776-03f7-4a6b-9e6a-246ea0ef1faa	INFO	in try block
END RequestId: 5f9b7776-03f7-4a6b-9e6a-246ea0ef1faa
REPORT RequestId: 5f9b7776-03f7-4a6b-9e6a-246ea0ef1faa	Duration: 597.59 ms	Billed Duration: 598 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 128 MB	Init Duration: 647.20 ms

Which SDK were you using?

JavaScript (v3)

Which OS were you using?


SDK version

No response

OS version

Ubuntu 22

Also I have Administrator Access.

Hey @rrajj, is this in relation to a specific code example or a more general JS SDK question? If it's related to the SDK, you would need to go to

@cpyle0819 thanks. I will check that out