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install NFS daemon

maestro7879 opened this issue · comments

Attempting to build an image using a hardened AWS AL2 AMI and receiving the below errors.

Error executing action setup on resource 'nfs[install NFS daemon]'.

FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: nfs[install NFS daemon] (aws-parallelcluster-environment::install line 16) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: service[statd] (nfs::_common line 56) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'

Hi, what version of pcluster are you using, and could you provide your build image config file? Can you also run pcluster export-image-logs and upload the logs: ?

Hi, what version of pcluster are you using, and could you provide your build image config file? Can you also run pcluster export-image-logs and upload the logs: ?
pcluster version
"version": "3.8.0"

InstanceType: t3.xlarge
ParentImage: ami-0ea65a9hwsdhh34
SubnetId: subnet-04b8cf582355b45

  • sg-0f39076344bfd9da
    ImdsSupport: v2.0
    InstanceProfile: arn:aws:iam::45333550383:instance-profile/asdf-asdf-imagebuild-instancerole
    PermissionsBoundary: arn:aws:iam::45333550383:policy/asdf-asdf-asdf-permissions-boundary
    CleanupLambdaRole: arn:aws:iam::45333550383:role/system/asdf-lambda-execution-role
    Size: 80

I'd have to work on getting the logs exports.

I have not been able to export the logs.

Is there any information on what is trying to be done related to NFS ?
I assume just install and start the service ?