aws / aws-lambda-runtime-interface-emulator

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release binaries that work on mac

teyckmans opened this issue · comments

Would be nice to have binaries included on a release that target Mac.

For now I had to change the Makefile to build for GOOS=darwin as a work around.

@teyckmans I'm not sure why you want this. The first line of the README says "The Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator is a proxy for Lambda’s Runtime and Extensions APIs, which allows customers to locally test their Lambda function packaged as a container image". macOS isn't an option on Lambda.

You should be using the RIE as documented.

I am trying to create graalvm native-image lambdas, the easiest way for now is to run the emulator with the lambda as a java process and use the graalvm agent that collects all the graalvm config during test execution, after that I can use the gathered config to produce a native-image.

Currently I am just doing this locally on a mac, I can also do that through docker.

Shouldn't this be reopened? The README is pretty clear that macOS is supported, but the install instructions give you a Linux-only binary.

It's not a big deal to build it for macOS
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o bin/aws-lambda-rie-arm64 ./cmd/aws-lambda-rie bin/aws-lambda-rie-arm64

But I agree with @wichert, the binary attached to the README won't work on Apple Silicone macs.