Is there a way to test the health of an AWS service?
jonassteinberg1 opened this issue · comments
I am aware there is a public dashboard and I am aware PHD and the Health API. Still, I don't believe there is a way to GET, e.g and be returned something like {"health_status": "ssm is healthy"}? It would be nice not to have to assume that an AWS service is up or to have to look at a dashboard before my service proceeds to make calls to that service. Thanks.
Hello Jonas,
If you have Enterprise or Business Support, you can use the AWS Health API[1] to check for open events impacting your resources. Use the DescribeEvents operation (or DescribeEventsForOrganization if you are a user of Organizational View[2]) and filter on the fields you're looking for. You should at minimum specify the following to ensure the event is in-progress and impacting the service in question.
aws health describe-events --filter \
"eventStatusCodes": [
"eventTypeCategories": [
"services": [
"regions": [
This is the closest to what you are looking for, although I realize it is not exact. Please let me know if you have other questions.