aws / aws-cdk-rfcs

RFCs for the AWS CDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

But from the users perspective why do I need to know that? I just want to add a listener and say send requests that match this to this target. I don't really care that underneath that there are rules, etc.

mrpackethead opened this issue · comments

'from the users perspective why do I need to know that? I just want to add a listener and say send requests that match this to this target. I don't really care that underneath that there are rules, etc.'

A listener needs rules, and it can have one or many of them, and the rules have prioritys. Its not the same as a LoadBalancer, each rule has its own target.

You can't just remove the rules, and you need to care about them, because there is no way we can create the rules without the information.

Originally posted by @corymhall in #506 (comment)