aws / aws-cdk-rfcs

RFCs for the AWS CDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CDK environment setup for platform/system administrators

skinny85 opened this issue · comments


CDK is tricky to use in restricted environments where there is a split between the platform/system administrator teams, and the application development teams who use CDK.

This RFC proposes a set of features for dealing with that problem.


Role User
Proposed by @skinny85
Author(s) @skinny85
API Bar Raiser @rix0rrr
Stakeholders @cgarvis, @addihorowitz, @rix0rrr

See RFC Process for details


  • Tracking issue created (label: status/proposed)
  • API bar raiser assigned (ping us at #aws-cdk-rfcs if needed)
  • Kick off meeting
  • RFC pull request submitted (label: status/review)
  • Community reach out (via Slack and/or Twitter)
  • API signed-off (label api-approved applied to pull request)
  • Final comments period (label: status/final-comments-period)
  • Approved and merged (label: status/approved)
  • Execution plan submitted (label: status/planning)
  • Plan approved and merged (label: status/implementing)
  • Implementation complete (label: status/done)

Author is responsible to progress the RFC according to this checklist, and
apply the relevant labels to this issue so that the RFC table in README gets

@rix0rrr I've assigned you as the API bar raiser on this one, let me know if you disagree.

Pull Request with the RFC: #421.

Marking this RFCs as stale since there has been little recent activity and it is not currently close to getting accepted as-is. We appreciate the effort that has gone into this proposal. Marking an RFCs as stale is not a one-way door. If you have made substantial changes to the proposal, please open a new issue/RFC. You might also consider raising a PR to aws/aws-cdk directly or self-publishing to Construct Hub.